Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] we [modal v] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Right so we 'll just look at the sort of er the negative side of not making the time that we get more mistakes .
2 If we pumped long enough we could eventually bring the potentiometric surface below the top of the aquifer .
3 There was , there was just hund acres and acres like that and er , but er that 's been worthwhile and er so hopefully we 'll still improve it .
4 So we 're one of the important environmental health departments , sure , so hopefully we will actually get somebody who is really very good , a food technician to assist in this erm field , and there have , I hope that through Food Forum we may well be able to help Matthew with his , well not just Matthew , but help , help that section with the nutrition advice that he feels is still lacking in his team under the circumstances .
5 Perhaps now we can also replace TV , video and computer games with such old-fashioned delights as charades , bracing walks and conversation .
6 So here we 'd actually have a match of all three saying that we 've recognized it to a level three .
7 Erm , well it is a mobile crane so er One crane will be pretty much fully employed and er if it 's busy down here we can always bring the , the mobile crane
8 It was sleeting so hard we could barely see for 30 yards .
9 From now on we can only look back ’ ( The Times , 28 September 1936 ) .
10 If we say them often enough we will actually believe them and make them happen .
11 It says this is the only number you want but as read it and said well it does n't really make it clear it 's for reservations and bookings and it does n't really so we 'll just have to make sure that it damn well happens on the advert .
12 Mr Dicketts was ‘ happy to comply even more ’ and confessed : ‘ If they came back now we 'd probably feel much happier . ’
13 You know , but i if we could n't , if they we as they said , if they wanted that money back tomorrow we could only give them half that money back because of what we 've got
14 But I mean really if the auditors do n't put , point out some of these things like the level of directors ' salaries and the level of erm ongoing deficit and blah blah blah which now come to light , I do n't see really how we can ever hope to discover them .
15 But come away with Club 18–30 , share your precious two weeks with others who , like you , want to make friends and have a good time all the time , and you 'll find out why we can justifiably claim to be ‘ Fun Factor ’ Number 1 .
16 Right well we 'll just do this then you can have a go on the computer .
17 Well , I think some of the women and a lot of the men thought right well we 'll just keep it you know between the men , it 's our problem , we 'll get it sorted .
18 Right well we 'd normally say , miles per hour per second .
19 Well so we should certainly put them up by eight per cent .
20 Yeah , well no we have n't so we could probably do with doing
21 Our ideas about rationality , within a pluralistic society , are bound to be complex and fuzzy , but even so we can readily see that certain kinds of rationality are dominant .
22 Well now we 'll now look at the second part of the er sales video as a help first and again give you an example , a flavour of how to conduct the next set of role plays .
23 No , because maybe even now we can credibly describe the latest New FADS single , ‘ It 's Not What You Know ’ — their first in almost a year — as their finest and biggest yet , with Andy yelping sourly across a cavernous chamber of whirling percussive dislocation .
24 first pictures of the big game in Goals Extra on Central tomorrow when we 'll also have news of Hereford 's home match against Doncaster … as for the other sport … here 's Chris Moore
25 If we ca n't see a way to market it effectively then we would probably decide not to take it on .
26 Adrenalin helps , but there 's a limit to how much we can artificially stimulate the body . ’
27 It is n't difficult to calculate how long we should reasonably expect to wait for the random computer ( or baby or monkey ) to type METHINKS IT IS LIKE A WEASEL .
28 I think a lot will depend on how quickly we can all encourage North American tourists to come to Britain .
29 Quite clearly we can only do that with the resources available to you , and if the demand exceeds the ability of those resources , they will have to wait .
30 It depends how often we can actually get the chiropodist , but she 's been very , very good recently and she 's come along at request , so we 're fortunate in that area .
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