Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] of [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd arranged , then immediately forgotten ( not entirely out of lack of self-interest do I support AMNASS ) , for a young doctor and a film crew to come to my house to film myself and Jack being blood tested for a little-known disease called Tay-Sachs , in order to encourage people to be tested to see whether they were carriers .
2 Electronic News says Intel Corp 's deal with Digital Equipment Corp to resell its i860-based massively parallel processors and follow-on Paragon machines has died , apparently out of lack of interest .
3 If there is not room for this you might utilize the space by making slots in the counter top to take your cooking knives , or you could suspend them from a magnetic bar just above out of reach of children .
4 Haylock repeated the dose six minutes later , but it was just out of reach of Ritchie Johnston .
5 hovering just out of reach of hell ,
6 A shower of jeers greeted him from the queue and , as he passed the last boy , who was just out of sight of Mr Gillis , a foot shot out , caught him on the ankle and down he went , sprawling on the wooden floor .
7 Ditches old and new kept the new arrivals from too close an approach to the massive town walls , but , to be sure , this also applied in reverse ; the enemy were just out of range of Berwick 's cannon .
8 He had the light behind him and a WPC took shorthand just out of range of Ian 's sight .
9 apart from one Reverend the most Reverend Doyle or something and he saw one gunmen and he saw him fire a couple of shots and they told him to piss off out of sort of thing
10 Running , screaming the first time and left two dead before they could creep back out of range of John Russell 's Spencer .
11 This overwhelms the sea , such that freshwater can still be found well out of sight of land !
12 Allan Lamb , the vice-captain , now finds himself short of a quorum for the easily-bored touring club , which usually takes the form of a private knockabout well out of earshot of Micky Stewart .
13 And then make a separate statement on swearing the policy that er a new settlement of approximately X dwellings will be er provided in relation to the Greater York area or even round of type of form of dwelling you think is appropriate .
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