Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] the [noun] [be] [be] " in BNC.

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1 He is a forestry expert and has a small stud as a hobby , so now the stables are being used again and I wake up to the clop-clop of horses ' hooves on the cobbles in the morning .
2 He 'd thought that when Nisodemus had summoned him and asked if there was any paint in the quarry , only now the quarry was being called the New Store .
3 We are some way from the context of the debate , but if the Minister really wants evidence of how appallingly badly the service is being delivered , I shall be extremely glad to send him the 20-page Tower Watch survey of Archway Tower social security office .
4 But the stupid thing is it ai n't where the barn was is it ?
5 Undoubtedly many arts teachers will greet this news with relief , but for others there will be concern that here again the arts are being subjected to a form of discrimination , and that this could once more lead to their being marginalized .
6 Here again the images are being confused .
7 I did in December but it was not relative to any of the specifications it was simply to try and ascertain how long the contract was was still live , to find out get this guy
8 This research is designed to investigate this flow of information to see how well the public is being informed about such a major piece of legislation .
9 They thought that Goibniu was looking happy ( although it was always difficult to tell with giants ) and thought , was n't it a fine old thing to see how well the designs were being received and was n't it great , altogether , to see how well received the Oakapple 's sketches were , because had n't he been the guiding light behind most of the work ?
10 But he was always prepared to turn off the tape and listen to her ranting on about how she missed Ricky and how bloody the Argentines were being to her and to their horses .
11 The system could not function properly without the presence of a file server on the network and the fact that Talbot were given the go ahead to use the AppleShare software gives some degree of indication how seriously the project was being taken .
12 In the early days , both in the United States and in Africa , some even hunted from the railway carriages themselves , but very soon the game was being driven further and further from the railway lines .
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