Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] in [noun] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 At Kensington Palace and Highgrove the couple entertained little , so rarely in fact that their butler Allan Fisher described working for the Wales 's as ‘ boring ’ .
2 So much so in fact that they 'll be looking to you to help them actually .
3 The 103/4 really does project the sound out and away from itself ; so much so in fact that it is genuinely hard sometimes to believe that it is actually responsible for what one is hearing .
4 So effortlessly in fact that he would often go off during working hours with his gun to bag a pheasant or a hare rash enough to have entered our grounds .
5 Many poor countries are so deeply in hock that they end up borrowing just to pay interest on their initial debts : the poorest people of the world are slaves to the banks . ’
6 She owed money at the site shop where the tenants were forced to buy their paraffin at inflated prices , and , though the Assistance Board was making her an allowance , she was so deeply in debt that there was no possibility of getting straight .
7 Nevertheless , it awoke an unexpected flood of tenderness towards him in her , because it made him so very human , this man of whom she had once been so deeply in awe and whose power over her still unnerved her when she reflected on the realities of their relationship .
8 If confusion and resentment are to be avoided the change-over must be simple to understand and must have been heralded so far in advance that it is almost an anti-climax when it finally comes .
9 She blinked , so deep in thought that his voice took her by surprise .
10 He made no attempt to present her to the other man , however , apparently so deep in thought that he seemed to have forgotten her very existence .
11 But once again they have n't worked hers out , I mean she told them she was down here in January and she still has n't had a bill yet for the end of this year .
12 Her bronzes are selling so well in Paris that she 's selling up to move to France … putting her unique English home on the market .
13 He met Alderman Davis and discussed the advisability of the members on the council coming together again in order that they would be unanimous in open council , especially now that Labour is in the majority .
14 Adam had only heard one other make these sounds and when he first heard Anne make them his memory escape failed and those two nights were startlingly evoked , so disturbingly in fact that he had the terrible delusion that Anne was doing it to mock him .
15 There are some , he continued , ‘ so deranged , not only in religion but who in all things reveal their monstrous nature , that they will say that the sun does not move , and that it is the earth which shifts and turns . ’
16 If I 've got to print them off from my computer and the computer 's er not exactly in bits but it 's just taken apart a bit at the moment so I need to put it back together again and print them off .
17 But Moloney 's mount was soon back in command when his rival made a nonsense of the second last jump , from where Whaat Fettle went on to record a splendid 10-length win .
18 ‘ You 're back , ’ she realised superfluously , her defences not yet in place because his presence was so unexpected .
19 The defining agencies are no longer seriously in doubt that there is a sex fiend in our midst .
20 It is difficult to avoid the impression that we , as a profession , and the Institute in particular , have so far been too willing to accept unwarranted criticism in the past and that we must respond far more effectively in future if we are to limit the damage caused by corporate failures .
21 That is to say , credit should figure far more prominently in education than it has done in the past .
22 But the Directive is implemented more sensitively in France and its aids are much more aligned with the degree of natural handicap than in the UK .
23 For instance , adoration of the Friend without — to give , for the moment , a hostage to Yvor Winters — the Poet abasing himself , but retaining instead his own dignity , is expressed more often in poems where Thou forms dominate .
24 One problem was that the Normans were taking far more out in payments than their predecessors .
25 Culturally and linguistically , Britain offers a nexus of increasingly plural possibilities , a promising ground for a postmodernism which may in the future develop more strongly in Britain than it has hitherto .
26 Freud developed the role of the death instincts in group life more fully in Civilization and Its Discontents ( 1930 ) .
27 The radial shields are large and contiguous or nearly so in spinea while they are quite small , usually separated and confined to the edge of the disk in hamula. 3 .
28 What happens for a simple is that on first application you bring your financial details to the interview references are taken up naturally in confidence and you are then allocated a place or not if you meet financial criteria .
29 Sex differences are also less in actuality than they are in teachers ' perceptions , as self-report schedules demonstrate , and clearly depend on who is defining what as ‘ deviant , ’ ‘ disruptive ’ or ‘ disaffected ’ — that is , what and whose rules of ‘ normality ’ are being infringed .
30 I 'd er ring up just in case cos you might have to solve your problem .
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