Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [Wh det] [pron] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Right so what we 're saying really , I , I know we 've got three other people to come to but what comes out of the first one is , alright , you 're saying you 've got an organised day , and I 'm sure you have , and I do n't have any problem as such .
2 Right so what you 're getting from us is a
3 Right so what you 're looking for is twelve thousand pounds ?
4 Erm right so what you 're saying to me then basically is that er as long as my references are acceptable
5 So effectively what you 're saying is a sizable proportion of your proposals are South of the Tees .
6 Those evenings were the good times , when she did not question so fiercely what she was making of her life .
7 Is n't it more the case that it 's not so much what they 're trying to get away with , it 's just that how what was happening the peasants did see the world that they were in but with the Communist Party and the revolution that the idea is to change the way the peasants see the world and how they view themselves
8 So basically what I 'm saying is , get on the blower and call Jenny this afternoon from One o'clock .
9 Right , so so what we 're doing is a noise test to super precision
10 So so what you 're saying is it was not related that credit was refused , not because of that fact that say people were actually on benefits , cos er the same person actually somewhere else would would probably get It 's the very fact they actually live in the flats , that actually has largely accounted for people not being able to get credit .
11 Do n't you remember I stopped no you wo n't remember but I stopped because I was writing down exactly what we were doing
12 The second step is to write down exactly what you are required to answer .
13 . So really what I 'm saying is that it h would have an undue impact on highway network and in particular on that particular erm strand of it .
14 So really what you 're saying is that if we 're looking at trip wires to stop things happening , there 's a power a really powerful case for a pensioner trustee , but you 're looking for whistle blowers .
15 There 's a tremen oh yes , yeah , there is a limit , so maybe what you 're doing is just assessing is this going to give er problems or have we got put a gang on specifically moving things around .
16 And the thing just snowballed and we 've managed to accumulate something like £6,000 and about 40 tons of gifts in the form of children 's clothing , children 's toys er medicaments of one sort or another , various creams recommended to us by pediatricians , er shampoos and other things like antibiotics and so on which we 're taking over on behalf of er a medical team from Banbury .
17 Which is not exactly what I am saying .
18 Not exactly what I was aiming for .
19 Mr Bert Havill , an electrician and the club 's international chairman who had arranged the visit through the Russian embassy in London , said : ‘ Quite frankly , they were just not what we were expecting .
20 But not away what they 're doing now or but it 'd be sent down to their premises down in the in the shooting lodges in the south .
21 We have the finest peo band of men looking after our fire service so I have never had any doubt , I did n't really need this report to tell me , but it is nice to see it written down , to see just exactly what they 're doing .
22 Just exactly what I was thinking , ’ Sandison said .
23 Er , and that , you , you 'll at the town cooking dinner , watching television , talking to my friend , or just roughly what you 're doing at that time that conversation took place , okay , at work , form , then make me a cup of tea , she was photo-copying ,
24 Well you 've probably seen in erm the newspapers you can now buy small computers for one hundred or two hundred pounds , but they 're not really what we 're talking about , because the very smallest computers of this sort , like the Sinclair and the B B C computer , do n't have any sort of storage for the data .
25 We are elected by the public to do a job and we should n't be ashamed of the amount of money that we 're paid for it , and what I would say is , that no manifesto in May 's election said we were going to come here and vote for more money for members , nobody put on their leaflets , vote for me and I will raise members allowances by five percent in the coming year , I did n't and I wo n't support that , and you will argue , perhaps some of you that that 's not really what we 're doing , but it look 's like it , does n't it ?
26 Problem 4 You may , even at first reading , have an uneasy feeling that the proof of ( b ) was not quite what you were expecting and that a more direct proof should be available .
27 not quite what I 'm thinking of .
28 But in the end , it 's usually not what I 'm looking for . ’
29 As with most things in drama , there are many questions which slip between categories , but the attempt to define types of questions is useful if it helps us see more clearly what we are doing and what we could be doing .
30 As I kept little of my side of any correspondence in those days , I am not sure whether I explained more clearly what we were trying to do , as he had requested .
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