Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [prep] [noun] [coord] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 It suffered so brutally from war and killing that even after a second time around , in ‘ 39 , after the havoc of Korea , the cut and thrust of Malaysia and Aden , the carnage of the Falklands and the bizarre media-encouraged sand-deaths in the Gulf — even after all that , the terrible word ‘ Gallipoli ’ is burned deep into the very fibre of every soul who was born in Bury , or who had family there .
2 There was a place — he recalled it now — Burkett had pointed it out to him when they were fishing on Derwent Water — a sheer cliff coming suddenly out of woods and fronting the valley .
3 With Gerbrand Grobler playing so well at fullback and backing up Naas as a place kicker , it seems the fifteen spot is tied up .
4 S so apart from digging and researching and looking at old buildings , what other jobs do archaeologists do ?
5 It establishes our authority as catering managers , since we are shown to be not only in charge but doing something positive .
6 He investigates by going to places , tackling people , often but not always by shooting or slugging them , and often but not obligatorily so by going to bed with them .
7 G. says he thinks the man is lying , that the vat went over not by accident but because the ice cream was not up to standard and pouring it away was the most convenient way of getting rid of it .
8 You can now start venturing away from your measured route and start looking for additional ways to clock up the extra miles — try walking to the shops instead of driving ; try parking the car further away from work and walking the rest of the way ; or getting off the bus or train one or two stops from your destination and walking the rest of the way .
9 A wayward child , forever up to mischief and straining at the bit to dash around , is not necessarily hyperactive .
10 Lt Ferris was now fighting for his life in an aircraft totally out of control and descending fast .
11 Their hopes of returning to full strength were again dashed with defender Chris Moore a victim of German measles , recently signed midfielder Steve Cox unavailable , and Tony Scofield still out of action and facing an operation on his knee .
12 But this day he was all action , stepping right up to Nick and thumping him hard .
13 Lining the walls of the display hall are a long series of photographs and displays which trace not just the history of Yakovlev but the whole history of Soviet aviation , both civil and military , from the very earliest days right up to date and covering significant events through the years .
14 The survivors I have interviewed mostly remembered going straight on to piece-work and staying there , although in larger offices , like Clark 's , some experienced Women workers did become stab hands .
15 Nevertheless , three-quarters of RAF churches have robed choirs , half of them made up entirely of adults and averaging eight to ten members .
16 Within this strategy the Council should develop and extend appropriate habitat management regimes both directly through ownership or leasing arrangements , but increasingly through a range of ‘ partnership ’ or ‘ agency ’ initiatives .
17 For , when she had woken up , rather late that morning , her usual brightness had been replaced by a quiet , sinking unhappiness , and instead of getting straight out of bed and opening the curtains to see what kind of weather was there , she had huddled down between the sheets , reluctant to face anything .
18 Born in India , brought up mainly in France and speaking both French and German perfectly , he thought seriously as a young man of entering Habsburg service and married an American , while his brother took a Russian wife , one of the Nelidov family which was prominent in tsarist diplomacy .
19 What you like is prawn biriani and apple crumble ; getting up late on Sunday and reading the papers in your dressing-gown ; looking at your insurance policies ; being taken for an academic ; picking food out from between your teeth with a sharpened matchstick . ’
20 However , now back in London and feeling more adventurous , I shall take up the wooden spoon once again and brave the kitchen .
21 ‘ If present trends continue , ’ Labour Party spokesman Robin Cook said , ‘ we will have fewer people at work making things than we will have really out of work and making nothing . ’
22 Secretary , Mr Ken Lucas , had recently been taken ill but happily was now out of hospital and making good progress .
23 Having lost out to Hocazade in the competition , Ali Tusi left the Ottoman lands , apparently permanently , going first to Tabriz , then on to Transoxania and dying in Samarkand on 7 Ramadan 887/20 October 1482 .
24 Although made almost entirely of wood and having to land at what was then the extremely high speed of 100mph , I can only remember one incident of a Mosquito crashing and burning on the airfield .
25 Do this initial cultivation in early spring , and be ready to hoe or fork out weeds again once or twice more before planting or sowing in mid-spring , as weed seeds will germinate more readily when the soil is disturbed , and with the start of warmer weather .
26 He had a bad squint anyway , but now his two eyes seemed completely dissociated from each other and wandered restlessly round different comers of his head , apparently quite out of control and enjoying their surprising liberty .
27 It has occurred at a time when expenditure on the CAP is again almost out of control and increasing all the time .
28 Engulfed almost immediately in violence and facing the threatened secession of mineral-rich Katanga , the country 's early post-independence years were fraught with factional and ideological conflicts .
29 They should have flown north in March , but perhaps they were n't paying attention when the others left , maybe deep in conversation or looking the other way .
30 After dinner , back on the boat , he sat and talked about the soil as the common link between people of all nations , and spoke almost lovingly of husbandry and caring for the soil almost as if it were a human being .
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