Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [coord] [pron] [verb] i " in BNC.

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1 I putted nicely today and I think I can do a lot better over the next three days . ’
2 and I said you 'll have to fit it together again and she said I ca n't they were all identical squares with squiggles on oh what a
3 I refuse to take it out because it just closes it down again and I thought I 'm not touching it
4 Ronnie Wood came over once and it took me three months to clean up the mess .
5 She was walking her dog past the house just now and I thought I might bring her in .
6 It conditioned my hair really well but I think I may have used it too often because my hair became a little TOO soft to style after a while ! ’
7 I goes out there and he said I du n no where that tape measure is , there 's two bags here .
8 I know them council houses are n't usually but I mean I ca n't visualize how much land there is .
9 ‘ I cycle around quite often and I expect I 'll be doing some cycling in the North Yorkshire Moors during the next two months , ’ said Karen who is a member of the Tandem Club and has been a member of various Cyclist Touring Clubs .
10 I 've not had a chance to visit abroad yet but I think I 've got two visits booked next year to various remoter parts of the world , but I 've met some who are on leave , recuperating from the circumstances they 've been in , sometimes illness , sometimes just the sheer tension of being under fire .
11 It 's a very considerable stride forward altogether and you know I highly commend it .
12 I know my way round here and I know I 'm going the wrong way , but I just carry on .
13 I 've been round twice but nobody believes me
14 ‘ The last time I saw him he 'd been drinking pretty heavily and he pushed me about a bit .
15 If there voting on then it 's traditional , point of order during the speech , thank you very much and what took me so long .
16 I love Mummy very much and she loves me and we both love you and we all go diddledy diddledy dumpling through the heather on a hot sunny day , like a bunny rabbit with the clap . ’
17 I 've thought it over very carefully and you know I do n't make up my mind in a hurry . ’
18 ‘ I knew John Schlesinger very well and he told me Dustin could play almost anything . ’
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