Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adv] [verb] that the " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , some appear more environmentally aware than their parents , although perhaps not surprisingly considering that the new national curriculum — recognising the importance of an environmental education — has adopted this as a cross-curricular theme for all age groups .
2 Modern civilization was not now so decayed that the new style proposed by the Mediaevalists was justified .
3 The predictions of perturbation theory are in reasonable qualitative agreement with observation , but one can not yet really claim that the theory has been experimentally verified .
4 All we 've got to see is somebody that wanders up there just see that the work 's done satisfactorily .
5 Likewise it is often not sufficiently recognised that the ‘ state ’ which would supposedly execute the progressive measures might be very much disinclined to do so and anyway may be the object of considerable public mistrust .
6 It is now more widely accepted that the hounds are , in fact , night-flying geese .
7 The more detailed analysis presented here therefore strongly suggests that the Home Support Project does make a difference .
8 do n't actually , do n't actually directly say that the central bi-law is is anti competitive do you or do you ?
9 The projectionist there dutifully pulled out can after can of old stock , sometimes so poorly preserved that the nitrate was destroying the footage .
10 Their main significance is that by predicating the breach on damage to the interests of creditors and thus expanding the corporate constituency it no longer automatically follows that the breach should be ratifiable by the shareholders .
11 Shorn of all element of compulsion , now that the United States was no longer even pretending that the dollar was convertible into gold , the rise in official holdings of dollars showed that dollars were the best asset to hold .
12 The rest , as far as Airdrie were concerned , was the recipe a la MacDonald , though they went forward just enough to show that the incongruously exotic Justin Fashanu could be a real asset .
13 Under capitalism the market and the desire to accumulate wealth appear to be a sufficient basis for social interaction and for regulating communal life ; things and impersonal economic mechanisms have replaced people 's commitment to each other while ‘ the ancient conception in which man always appears ( in however narrowly national , religious or political a definition ) as the aim of production , seems very much more exalted that the modern world in which production is the aim of man and wealth the aim of production ’ [ p. 84 ] .
14 It is certainly not enough to say that the former position shows " attribution " and the latter " predication " ; one must go on to say what these terms of one 's theory mean , and if our account is to be genuinely explanatory , we must do so in ways which can be related to concepts and phenomena which stand outside our initial theory .
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