Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] he [vb -s] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But he does , he lives in the churchyard , and he has done on and off , as you say , for a few years , and he 's been a bit of a most of the time he 's perfectly all right because he keeps himself to himself .
2 One of the somewhat older guy , he can orchestrate it so much so that he gets his gold out of it .
3 He works much better when he has plenty of space around him , and when his name is , metaphorically or literally , the only one above the title .
4 It does n't matter Charlotte , so long as he colours it in
5 Lord Denning MR said : Every member of the community is entitled to carry on any trade or business he chooses and in such manner as he thinks most desirable in his own interests , so long as he does nothing unlawful : with the consequence that any contract which interferes with the free exercise of his trade or business , by restricting him in the work he may do for others , or the arrangements which he may make with others , is a contract in restraint of trade .
6 It is not that she possesses dazzling charm or an especially brilliant intellect , but he enjoys her company so long as he thinks their friendship is platonic .
7 The homosexual male is fine — is pretty good news , in fact , on the whole — so long as he knows he 's homosexual .
8 The town itself is peculiarly built , so that a person may live in it for years , and go in and out daily without coming into contact with a working-people 's quarter or even with workers , that is , so long as he confines himself to his business or pleasure walks .
9 ‘ A good governor does as he pleases on his world , just so long as he pays his tithes in treasure and people .
10 William says that he wants to win and then hopefully look towards the world championship and then the next Europeans … it 's been a good year so far so he hopes it ends like that anyway
11 The spoken word is his chosen form of communication , and in so far as he learns anything , he absorbs knowledge through conversation .
12 It 'll be all right soon as he gets it . ’
13 Odd-Knut has never seen one either , but that is less of a surprise as the noise and smell of his dogs frighten most animals away long before he spots them .
14 It is not enough that he believes them to have been stolen : Haughton v Smith [ 1975 ] AC 476 ( HL ) .
15 The general principle contemplates a model of a patient of an age recognized as endowing him with the competence to exercise a valid choice , and who is lucid in the sense not only that he regards himself as being in control of his mental faculties , but also that he is recognized to be so by others .
16 in the marriage relationship it 's not just that he says I have taken you , and all that you have now is mine , I take your debt and I discharge it fully , your debt of holiness to God , your debt of righteousness to God , he says I take it and I pay that price in full !
17 You 'd think Michael Barnes , OBE , hereinafter referred to as Micky Twiceover would know just exactly when he opens his Festival since he 's the Artistic Director , General Administrator , Grand Panjandrum , ( Twiceover ) and what-have-you of the Grand Opera House .
18 Well i if his mate comes in , like he 's got a good mate , so if his mate comes in he releases his mate early so if he releases him early , he could be er it takes him about thirty five to forty minutes .
19 At this point I feel honour bound to remind Mister C that he 's talking to a journalist , that what might be an affectionate insult from his friends will probably piss him off massively when he sees it in print .
20 Gerd regards any intrusion here as evidence that the adventurers are hostile , and he wo n't co-operate any further if he knows they have forced their way in here .
21 Hopefully the initial push towards the enemy will ensure that the Fanatic hits the enemy more often than he hits his mates … but you can never be sure .
22 He 's brought Goldilocks Ann , erm can he bring it home please because he reads it at night before he goes to bed .
23 I travel abroad with him , I help him to organise his business life , and I 'm always there if he needs me .
24 home late and he goes she wa he watches her go upstairs Woooh !
25 he wo n't be home yet unless he catches his entire entitlement all in one go
26 He says the election is coming up soon and he thinks it 's politically motivated .
27 In the former case there is no express threat of proceedings to be withdrawn if the defendant pays up promptly because he believes himself to be liable .
28 and then another the robber 's friend comes and he knocks them both out and he gets his friend down pigeon poison
29 Mr Hollis says the figures nationally are bourne out locally and he says he 's not surprised by the findings in the report .
30 Fry claimed he was sacked by Flashman but the latter responded by saying Fry has a job at Underhill for as long as he wants it .
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