Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] i [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 Right so if I give you minus
2 ‘ Signorina , will you be all right if I leave you for a little while ? ’
3 Right , I think we 've been going on long enough and I think you 've been sitting there long enough , ha
4 ‘ So much so that I want you to do it again . ’
5 I 'll wait all night if necessary so long as I know you 'll be coming .
6 So long as I love you , I would n't mind being poor , and I do n't want his money . ’
7 ‘ You 're not going to fire Eleanor , and especially not if I ask you to . ’
8 Just before we go we are going to hear a recording of a song that 's been referred to which I think is called the greatest love of all which I 'm told we 'll all know by heart er this time next year hmm erm anyway on that note if I may thank you very , very much indeed and I leave you with best wishes for a highly , highly successful birthday year .
9 You are a young gentleman and I am sorry to say , not better than I wish you to be .
10 I also thinking about what we 're going to do is we would end up sounding like a Foster and Allen song anyway you know not deliberately but I think you know by the time we 'd have have by the time we do the way we 'd be able to do it it would sound like Foster and Allen .
11 She said I ca n't cope no more , she said I just can not cope any longer and I said you must n't feel like that I said you 'll break all our hearts , I said it 's , life will never be the same again , I said come on home with me , forget about this day , I said tomorrow we 'll come and pick your birds up cos she 's got two beautiful parrots , she 's got a Mulican white with peach
12 I must however caution that financial and other constraints compel us to plan more conservatively than I imagine you would wish .
13 Ladies and gentlemen , I 'm very grateful to Professor Eppell for his characteristically kind and generous remarks , and erm I accept them all the more readily because I know you will treat them with a healthy degree of scepticism .
14 ‘ Oh I recognised you straight away but I thought you would be a lot taller , ’ said a cuddly-looking woman .
15 ‘ I was wrong too when I thought you needed my protection .
16 God , do you think I 'd come near you , talk to you about it , touch you , if I did n't know for a certainty that you want me as badly as I do you ? ’
17 When you have been teaching for as long as I have you 'll realise that it 's no good at all being kind to children .
18 ‘ I must find out more before I tell you , Miss Stoner .
19 As far as I knew you were still in the study . ’
20 I think the fact that the books were filled out correctly and I think you should give the people that did the stock take , congratulations because the books were filled out reasonably well considering some of their ex inexperience in it .
21 ‘ I saw them both as plainly as I see you now . ’
22 ‘ You would n't come out here if I sent you the money for the air ticket , would you ? ’
23 After a moment he added , ‘ Anyway , if you knew Elsie as well as I do you would n't blame Sidney for getting a bit on the side . ’
24 Forgive me as freely as I forgive you . ’
25 ‘ My anger at the time of his death was n't just because I believed you 'd distracted him , it was more complicated than that . ’
26 And erm , yes well now as I tell you we had no motor cars at all , we had about fifteen bicycles , which of course were ridden , twenty four hours a day , and after each night-duty , through riding over rough paths and etcetera they used to get punctured and damaged .
27 There are four members of the National Race Committee here today and I tell you now
28 well that maybe true , but I think it 's working off an analogy on that , turning it the other way round and saying well erm if , if I got to the stage of erm , well possibly even seeking some information from the commission , well certainly if I gave you a conclusion for example , that it should be referred , erm and I think again even if I came to the conclusion that I should neither want , er there 's no point in seeking information from the Commission , nor should I refer it , or at least refer to the stage erm what his clients would be saying should be done in the interim and what he says in effect , for the reason he 's outlined is , er that we should proceed on the basis of erm the validity of the act erm and of the byelaws
29 Absolutely they 're reading it with you so they 're with you so you 're you 're holding their interest even though you 're not actually saying anything , yeah , and again you may you may have noticed well another thing is once you 've once you 're written put the pen down and the easiest thing in the world to have a but if you want to make a point and you probably noticed once I once I put the red lines around the red boxes round there and I gave you the first demonstration of the Aldershot method I stood here okay .
30 ‘ It means you could n't have arrived in Seal Haven all that long before I found you .
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