Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] [pron] [vb -s] they " in BNC.

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1 Especially not if she puts them by the bed . ’
2 Wealth is only desirable in so far as it enables them to indulge in litigation , and the height of their ambition is to succeed in a case , especially if thereby their enemy is punished . ’
3 The tolerance of adults is important only in so far as it allows them to feed high on the shore , exposed to rain .
4 As strategic proposals emerge , each subsystem will evaluate them against developments in other subsystems , in so far as it perceives them to affect it too .
5 Odd-Knut has never seen one either , but that is less of a surprise as the noise and smell of his dogs frighten most animals away long before he spots them .
6 It is not enough that he believes them to have been stolen : Haughton v Smith [ 1975 ] AC 476 ( HL ) .
7 Gerd regards any intrusion here as evidence that the adventurers are hostile , and he wo n't co-operate any further if he knows they have forced their way in here .
8 When the radio is playing , they think to themselves that nothing serious can be wrong because the background noise is still there and it reassures them . ’
9 Since recessive threats to the money markets occurred in the ‘ big bangs ’ of the 1980s , the enterprise culture has shown it can remove jobs as quickly as it creates them .
10 She usually waves goodbye to men as casually as she greets them , but this time she is hooked .
11 This period — the most glittering episode of the golden years — illustrates the fundamental dynamics of the boom particularly well because it shows them in operation in top gear and with enormous effect .
12 Many of them just lie there helplessly until somebody manhandles them over the side of the boat .
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