Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] went [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Eventually I went along to the British Association of Psychotherapists , where I was assessed and asked if I wanted to see a male or a female therapist .
2 So I went up to the bar , back to the party , and still could n't find her . ’
3 So I went up to the general manager Mr and he he sa told me certainly I can go .
4 So I went on into the town , and told them at the castle , and the lord Beringar has set a guard on the place now until daylight .
5 So I went on to the Home Office ; they 've got two employees with the name , but one 's a woman and she 's off having a baby .
6 So I went off to the er at the show .
7 So I went back to the car and got my torch .
8 So I went back to the lady doctor and she gave me a cream and some tablets .
9 I remembered the noise I remembered the noise as we went past the pub , so I went back to the pub and sure enough there were fifty Sorry thirty burly men .
10 Then I became allergic to Durex so I went back on the Pill , a different one .
11 And erm she said all right and I said what do I do with them and she said I 'll put them down in the base at the back and I said all right so I went back on the shop floor just before I was coming out come out .
12 So I went back into the spare room , I was doing some ironing which was on the you know and the next minute the phone went !
13 near Kettering , Don went to er Northampton and then finally I went to Rushden and er I 'd been there about a year and all of a sudden there was a call in for Shorteners at so I went down on the bike and er what er the one over me who , who was elderly , well was n't over me but he was er he was on my job but the senior man on it he come in , the boss had sent him in to have a look cos the er Shorteners were complaining , and er then they rang up for one of us , he said well I 'm not leaving till I 've solved this problem so I had to go .
14 The following morning at nine o'clock I went back to the coffee shop , just to show that I was still around .
15 So we went back to the basics to see whether we could ask the Government to abolish the ‘ cohab rule ’ altogether .
16 Together we went back to the lodgings , she packing her belongings , both of us braving the landlady .
17 Together they went back inside the villa .
18 Together they went out into the back garden .
19 And so he went on through the calculator to get the number of ways for ten buttons — 3,628,800 .
20 So he went round to the pool and noticed , at first , how the neat tables were littered with old newspapers and the ashtrays loaded with cigar ends .
21 so he went back on the night time , got the bags how embarrassing , he did it
22 So he went out to the car and asked mother how old is Rod ?
23 And so it went on for the first 14 years of their friendship .
24 Soon we went in to the adjacent Marie Antoinette Room for luncheon .
25 You had to meet these people , Wilcock would explain , and thus they went off on the 31 bus to meet the Trinidadian .
26 People are still wondering exactly what went on during the filming of the notorious orgy scene in Erich von Stroheim 's The Wedding March in 1928 .
27 One top player said : ‘ It 's just great the way the Mirror has stuck at prising out exactly what went on in the umpires ’ room when the ball was changed during the lunch interval .
28 When later on she went down to the sea she felt almost as cheerful again as in pre-Andrée days .
29 As Paddy realised that his stalling tactics were n't going to get him a morning off we went out of the village on a treelined bridleway sloping gently down to the coast .
30 That 's very quickly it went on to the hard
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