Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] could [adv] [vb infin] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 and so I could only have marmite or fruit to eat and
2 So she could n't rescue Elinor until she left Eastbourne General .
3 We 've tried to frame our motion as carefully as we could t so we could actually get support from everybody .
4 Luke found he was staring at Jake Endo 's sandals , wondering how much they could possibly have cost .
5 Moreover they could always use family labour or import casual labour to carry out any essential work .
6 Dot found to her surprise that , just as she often could no longer remember what her father 's face looked like , now she could n't remember Baby 's name .
7 Now she could n't imagine life without him .
8 But even I could n't will wakefulness with complete success , and the events of those nights soon began to affect my day-time behaviour .
9 My boyfriend commented that surely I could n't lose weight eating so much food !
10 Obviously er if er you came in in the morning and you were n't feeling to good , for whatever reason , then you could n't slack back and say och well I 'll just take my time with this .
11 And this is how you could best describe swimbladder disease .
12 Then we could still have lunch . ’
13 There they could easily obtain coal which was used as fuel and as a raw material , various salts from a mine below the works and from brine wells , and large amounts of water from the River Tees .
14 ‘ I was utterly miserable , ’ she recalls , ‘ I was in the position where I could actually get work to a standard that was good enough to attract support but there were n't any funds . ’
15 Having got this joke out of the way , she was then told no she could not have money for food , but she could have cash for a carpet .
16 Looking back to the time when she could n't find reverse on her company car , Alison contrasted this with her new job responsibilities : ‘ Now I 'm driving over 2,500 miles a month , much of it spent on the M25 .
17 And we go way back — way , way back , back to the time when you could still buy mono records , when kiwi fruit were yet to be devised , when the khaki-clad representative of the Automobile Association would salute the passing motorist , when a packet of Gold Flake cost a groat and a half and you still had change for a flagon of mead .
18 I 've got nearly over five hundred quid , then the petrol and then food where you could n't get food donated , and new tyres for the bike before I went so you could only get on the road .
19 I 'm sorry to see that although we 've got a large increase in budget , which is of course always very welcome , that we have n't perhaps addressed improving the quality er as much as we might have done , although we 've got a lot more home help hours that may be classed as an improvement , but er there are many other areas where we could perhaps encourage improvement in community care er with a bit of thought .
20 Yet he could n't bear failure again , with the whole squadron watching .
21 Mr Michael Grade , the channel 's chief executive , yesterday called on the Government to explain why it could not trust ITC appointments .
22 ‘ To find out why he could n't get planning permission , I expect , ’ Frank answered almost gleefully .
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