Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] be [vb pp] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 So I 'm bound to be recognised .
2 The magistrate did not consider a barrack changing-room to be a proper address , and so I was ordered to be confined in a bail hostel in Camden Town while social reports were completed .
3 so there 's bound to be
4 ‘ There is a lot more wet weather to come so there is bound to be a lot of flooding , ’ said a spokesman .
5 In another area it may be that all the fast food shops are all close to each other and so there is bound to be a congestion when the pubs empty .
6 In Miami alone there are reported to be more than fifty botanicas — shops selling all the necessities of the cult — and there are also pet-shops specializing in the doves , chickens and peacocks which devotees require for the rituals .
7 The oblong block markers are n't centrally positioned either ; perhaps they 're meant to be offset as well …
8 He said and I do n't think that they were meant to be perhaps they were meant to be in order of importance .
9 It looked tiny , no more than an emergency shelter , which of course was all it was intended to be .
10 Oh yes anything that happened down the glen or way was heard that from the pack man so it was bound to be true .
11 So it was designed to be attractive to look at , but with curves , ovals and an absence of straight lines to make it difficult to swim in .
12 This can hardly be to deny the emperor 's gift but is certainly the action of a realist , to whom arguments from later , and perhaps what was seen to be better , evidence , are important .
13 The crêche may be located some distance away from where you will be working , and some have restrictions as to how far away you are allowed to be from your child in case you need to be contacted .
14 But elsewhere she is seen to be ‘ black ’ in more than one sense .
15 As discussed above there are assumed to be a number of willing Doom Divers ready and waiting to step forward and be catapulted into the air .
16 Nevertheless they were held to be in contempt but , the strike having collapsed , no penalty was imposed .
17 He knows better than that , and anyway he is rumoured to be paying the Italian genius a lot of money for his one-box design vision that forms part of BMW 's long-rumoured MPV programme .
18 It is not made clear whether or not it is intended to be exhaustive .
19 Weapon is given a wide definition under section 2 of the Canadian Criminal Code and includes ‘ anything that is designed to be used as a weapon or anything that a person uses or intends to use as a weapon , whether or not it is designed to be used as a weapon . ’
20 Earlier this summer he similarly told the Observer 's Mark Frankland ‘ The more I am forced to be active in politics , the more I enjoy doing theatre . ’
21 Only later did Oliver Michaels come back with the sobering news that the hotel was strangely full of policemen , that there was no breakfast to be had save for coffee and muffins , without a trek to the Albion Hotel , and moreover there was thought to be something odd about Sir Thomas 's death which no one would specify .
22 No universal rule can be stated , because examiners differ in their practice , but nearly always there is meant to be a connection , at least if the two parts of the question are not subdivided by numbers or letters .
23 Usually it is assumed to be FALSE .
24 Technically he was meant to be in bed .
25 The United States thus finds itself in a no-win situation : the more it is seen to be intervening against him , the more it is likely to reinforce his position .
26 ‘ When we started off it was meant to be a serious underground label and we thought we 'd just do a couple of thousand .
27 That 's correct sir , P C was behind the shield like he was told to be .
28 Similarly there is said to be ‘ the opportunity for increasing the manageability of the whole system ’ by enabling local network management to extend into the wide area network .
29 It is no good the Minister , whenever he is found to be wanting and to be wrong , starting to hurl abuse across the Chamber or making allegations that have absolutely no substance .
30 The arrests of 26 people in Palermo , Milan and Modena on March 18 came as part of a police operation to break up what was alleged to be a network operated by the Sicilian Mafia .
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