Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] be [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually I was drawn to a sign in the Norwich and Peterborough Building Society advertising 11.3 per cent . ’
2 ‘ I suppose you 'd rather I was clothed in a voluminous sack ; then your beloved Dane would n't be able to ogle my body as he normally does . ’
3 So everyone is basking in the increased popularity of the game .
4 Eagerly I was bending over the vacuum cleaner .
5 Suddenly I 'm surrounded by a stereophonic cacophony — from the radio on one side and the hallway on the other .
6 Suddenly I was woken by a gentle knocking on the window .
7 They must have been watching from a hill-top as I rode towards them because suddenly I was surrounded by a company of about 40 soldiers , all aged between 17 and 18 years .
8 Suddenly I was confronted by a huge and altogether indescribable blue figure wearing a red hat .
9 especially I was looking at the C G A monitor all night ,
10 Only I was passing at the time .
11 Eventually as the rapids calm down I 'm swept to the river bank , exhausted , shaking , but mercifully only a little battered .
12 Ah , well then , perhaps I 'm thinking of the word in a different way to you , because pathos to me means tender .
13 Now I have said that , it 's not government policy , perhaps I 'm stretching over the bounds of saying it , but er those these ideas are around .
14 Perhaps I was sent to the chippie , or café up the street to fetch cigarettes , or lemonade , or to go at full haste and deliver a note to one of his girl-friends ; or maybe he simply wanted to chastise me for something I had done , as for instance when I inadvertently got him into hot water by mentioning to Mum that I had seen him with a girl ( an infamous young woman ) after he had faithfully promised not to see her again , ever .
15 Perhaps I was stretched on the rack .
16 ‘ So obviously I was thinking along the same lines as him .
17 Obviously I 'm limited by the terms of my erm pension situation .
18 Yes , I think you 're drawing a distinction between what you do in practice and what you 're booklet says , so I am talking about the letter of your booklet and what you do in practice might be a lot better .
19 Choir and instrumentalists are as responsive to Gardiner 's direction as we have come to expect of them but even so I am left with the feeling that the great sense of occasion generated by this music has only been realized in part .
20 No address is given on either the product or the instructions and so I am left in the dark .
21 So I am fighting for the profession .
22 I have been trekking in Nepal several times , and so I am acquainted with the conditions that I might encounter on a winter trip .
23 And erm the only other outstanding sponsor from last year was Northern Rock and that has been a bit of a qu a problem because er it 's , we have n't had a closing gala event which might attract them but just recently erm Paul who as you know performed last year with his band so er well er is , had rang me and said that they are doing something in Venice and they could in fact take the boat to Hull rather than to Dover and bring it here and I 'm , so I 'm working on the assumption that we might have that .
24 gazumped , because nobody will take him , cos he knows absolutely nothing , about nothing else apart from butchery , it 's the same with me I ca n't work a computer so I 'm cramped in the way of clerical , it 's no good applying for half of them because you 've got to have keyboard skills and erm computer skills
25 At least accident should occur so I 'm asking for a review of those to see if we ha we are buying the right vehicle or not .
26 We 've got erm yes we 've got quite a lot of land stock interest we might have accrued er and have n't , erm thirty million pounds in fact , but erm it has n't been accrued because in our view it 's some years off for being paid , but we think er or so I 'm informed by the Chairman of B-Sky-B er that things are going quite well
27 So I 'm paying like a hundred and twenty pound a month less but it 's
28 So I 'm walking up the stairs and he 's walking up behind me , and all I can hear is Russell saying watch yourself cos he had his hands on me watch yourself .
29 So I 'm put into the hands of what used to be called ‘ Wardrobe ’ but now has the grander title of ‘ Costume Designers ’ , who are keen for me to join the twentieth century sartorially , which would involve climbing into one of those colossal suits .
30 So I was waling through the bus station one day and I met this girl and er Ooh , she said , I 'm glad I 've seen you , she said .
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