Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [am/are] [vb pp] with the " in BNC.

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1 Choir and instrumentalists are as responsive to Gardiner 's direction as we have come to expect of them but even so I am left with the feeling that the great sense of occasion generated by this music has only been realized in part .
2 I have been trekking in Nepal several times , and so I am acquainted with the conditions that I might encounter on a winter trip .
3 Perhaps we are left with the conclusion that the main ingredient in the campaign which resulted in the Foxton Inclined Plane was the enthusiastic advocacy of Gordon Thomas himself .
4 So we are faced with the amazing fact that neither the insistence on English superiority nor a savage level of English military aggression was enough to produce widespread , let alone total , resistance by a people who for well over two centuries had determinedly and successfully resisted both .
5 As you are reading this leaflet , you are probably considering whether to have an HIV antibody test , as this is the only way for most people to find out whether or not they are infected with the virus that can cause AIDS .
6 Now they are flooded with the West European goods their recycling is n't worth any more .
7 of the first one to boil and boil all that off and then you 're left with the other one .
8 For the present , if we extract the uniquely individual characteristics from the equation ( abilities , experience , goals ) then we are left with the well known equation :
9 cos they do n't wan na be , cos it seems bad but when , when they 're in the , when they 're in the ballot box , when , when they 're in the voting booths and then they 're faced with the question then , do they want
10 Here they seem to be thrown on with an easy freedom , there they are adjusted with the nicest touches .
11 If these are instincts which human beings have inherited over several million years , any understanding clearly entails demonstrating how they are combined with the social and cultural relations of contemporary society .
12 This is spent in the most splendid hotel in G-o-S where I am regaled with the angling orgies and subsequent champagne parties of earlier years .
13 I mean that 's why I 'm left with the cash , two hundred cash
14 There is no mention of it being outside the camp , and instead we are left with the picture of the tent , filled with the glory of God , travelling with the people as they continue onwards ( 40.34–8 ) .
15 Perhaps one of the reasons why we are faced with the menace of increasing savagery among a minority of the young is that they fail to realise that TV is not a ‘ window on the world ’ , but a structure of small , angled , mirrors reflecting different viewpoints .
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