Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [vb mod] have a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So when I pe when I sit , when I think oh right I 'll have a piss up session this Saturday and I see one of my friends getting absolutely slaughtered it puts me off straight away because I think oh stupid , what , what a waste .
2 Erm right I 'll have a packet of er round ones please .
3 Hang on I 'll have a look in the safe .
4 Hang on I 'll have a look see where we are .
5 I , I 've got one at home I think somewhere I 'll have a look .
6 Perhaps everyone should have a weakness , ’ Jessamy said slowly .
7 " Perhaps I 'll have a chat with him , " said Alice vaguely , and went downstairs to survey her territory before going to the telephone .
8 Since you 're obviously a young man of ardent passions , perhaps I 'll have a chance to show you personally what I mean — and sooner than you think .
9 Well perhaps I 'll have a look in town next Friday then , I could definitely do with a pair
10 Perhaps I 'll have a bath to see if that helps this backache — oh no not again — I 'll never get dry in time —
11 Perhaps I 'll have a rollie .
12 Perhaps I could have a go later ? ’ she found herself saying .
13 The Noble Earl , Lord has given one o one illustration of how things might work out in practice , perhaps I could have a shot at another .
14 so I might have a couple of days off and then I can be with Laddie and take him for walks and everything
15 So I 'll have a go on the race track .
16 No , I 've got to revise for my erm science test tomorrow and I 've got loads of stuff to do , I 've got to keep going for the weekend , actually I have n't got that much to do , I 've got drama that I can do if you just would be so kind turn over to number three so I can have a look at some adverts I 've got a , will there be any adverts after
17 What ? so I can have a bit .
18 Perhaps you should have a rest . ’
19 I woke up having 5 minute contractions and thought I 'd lost ‘ my water ’ on the loo , without really being sure ( if only you could have a trial run — but then you might not go through with it if you did ! )
20 So you might have a stand
21 So you 'll have a whisky ?
22 So you could have a pint while waiting for your train a Victorian version of Travellers Fare .
23 So you could have a relationship between parents and children .
24 So you can have a drink .
25 So you can have a week 's holiday for
26 Within the past few years there have been developments that give rise to the hope that before too long we shall have a filly consistent quantum theory of gravity , one that will agree with general relativity for macroscopic objects and will , one hopes , be free of the mathematical infinities that have long bedeviled other quantum field theories .
27 At erm that 's that big lighting is there on the basis that if the switch goes down we should have a number of telephones that still have to be available erm and we need to identify them suggested by a red telephone , or using a red telephone situated somewhere .
28 Perhaps we might have a look at things , at this stage , through the eyes of young Benjamin Titford , the youngest surviving son , left motherless at nine years old ; waving his big brother William Charles goodbye as he set off for London soon afterwards ; watching brother John cough himself into an early grave ; listening to endless conversations about high prices , shortages , and a war across the channel ; dragged out of his bed in the middle of the night to cries of ‘ Fire ! ’ and ‘ Flood ! ’ ; struggling to keep warm every winter ; watching his father die of a long illness — these experiences made his childhood , in modern terms , an awful , albeit a dramatic one .
29 Perhaps we could have a drink outside , ’ said the woman as the French family exploded with bellowed laughter and banging fists .
30 Andrew Telford , owner of Regal Diving , said : ‘ Perhaps we could have a compromise and dive only where there are no human remains .
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