Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [indef pn] in " in BNC.

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1 So I would urge everybody in Oxfordshire that our responsible dog owners ( because that 's the only people that are going to help this campaign ) is to write to their M P's so that we can stamp out and take away the mess that their in with stray dogs because we are in a mess .
2 The Co-op butcher was , had got his own shop lower down You could get everything in that one street and now in this modern age , we 've got nothing , we 've got to get on a bus and get into Walsall and so this is where it , we get infuriated because you know , in this progress we 've lost out have n't we ?
3 Perhaps you might have something in common . ’
4 Mr has got he said if you 're do n't own up you 'll put everybody in doubt .
5 You had to get things by mail order , but now you can get anything in the shops .
6 I said well I can do everything in the hotel trade from housemaid to housekeeper to barmaid , the only thing I have n't done is managed one but I could do that if I had to and I done , done booking of the reception and I 've done bar , I 've done diner 's room , I 've done kitchen , I 've done
7 Well you 'll get one in
8 Well he does n't well he can have one in the morning if it is n't ?
9 I felt wonderful , and it was at that moment that I realised that if I started taking my athletics seriously , if I started training properly , if I started listening to Ron , then maybe I could do something in the sport .
10 But if , somehow , a dress escaped Laura 's approval at design stage and slipped into production , then she would spare nothing in her attack .
11 But Lili , I thought , should have known them , must have known them , for if she could see in me something to address then she could see something in any human being .
12 Sometimes they are perceived only by those in intimate contact , yet sometimes they can make everyone in a large crowd aware of individual feelings .
13 Yet she could see nothing in the future but hurt for both of them .
14 I do n't know where else you 'll find one in Bromley do you ?
15 ‘ Sir Edmund does not believe me , yet he 'll find nothing in this abbey or elsewhere . ’
16 Whilst certainly they may receive something in return , there does not seem to be a pressure to balance out the gifts .
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