Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [vb past] it into [art] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd forgotten to fetch something to put my hair up with , and so I brushed it into a ponytail and held it in place with a pair of knickers from the airing cupboard , which I twisted round and used like a scrunchie .
2 ‘ They said his name was Simon so I punched it into the computer and went through the alphabet for burglars .
3 So I chipped it into a little space over the scrum , ran round , picked it up and went up the middle of the field .
4 Thoughtfully he thrust it into the base of a bush a few feet from the path and covered it with dried leaves .
5 Faced with this united German front , Napoleon III realized that for him nothing of substance was likely to emerge from the meeting and so he turned it into an exercise in public relations .
6 Quickly they built it into a pyramid over the torch .
7 ‘ It was probably hit on the road and then somebody threw it into the lake , ’ Ross Aldridge , the young constable , told her .
8 She was reluctant to let go of the roach at first but then she hurled it into the fire and got unsteadily to her feet , saying , ‘ I know what . ’
9 well so that 's how it 's pleaded and that 's how we built it into the , these cases which I was referring to where an agreement is the object or the , the means or the consequence of an agreement , they enforce within five , the action is unlawful and of course there 's the final and fourth way in which it could be devoured this , because it , and again quoting the words from the cases , tends to have restricted affect on the market , I think your Lordship you can see how we pleaded it in paragraph two , two , three , it 's enforcing the consequence of the unlawful underline previous .
10 Erm yeah , Romeo and Juliet was not completely his idea , it came from a sort of long poem which he read about two lovers and then he turned it into a play .
11 Morton Pitt added rooms on the south elevation in 1823 when he converted it into the ROYAL VICTORIA HOTEL .
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