Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [vb past] be [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Her husband , Stuart , 52 , said yesterday he had been in daily contact with her since she flew to Canada last month on the second pilgrimage to find her son .
2 Well she had been on one or two things , not a lot on the television but er , we .
3 The Royalists ( Chetniks ) under Mihailovitch had played a major part in anti-German resistance through much of the war , although increasingly they had been in direct conflict with Tito 's partisans , who saw them as the main enemy in establishing a Communist post-war Yugoslavia , and this had also led to them acting on occasion in concert with German forces .
4 Maybe they had been for old times the old times that had never really existed .
5 He continued on across the road and down by the side of the church , heading south towards Pimlico , trying to imagine how it had been on that September day all those years ago .
6 Even Boddy , who had been telling Westerman as they came down the stairs how he had been at Bad Godesberg in 1938 just two days after Hitler and Chamberlain had left , trailed away into silence .
7 ‘ I brought in the Readers ' Digests , ’ she muttered , unable to apply the brakes when she 'd been on such a powerful roll .
8 Apart from the two social occasions when he had been with another girl , Liza had seen little of him , even though she had taken every opportunity to pass by the farmhouse where he was billeted .
9 Holding Management Inc. in the USA where he had been since 1983 .
10 From his account Bahdu was where he had been in most danger .
11 I was reading somewhere this morning where he 'd been with eight clubs in one season .
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