Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [vb past] be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So I had been right about that .
2 Perhaps she had been closer to the truth than she had at first suspected with her taunts about Theo Quinn ; and , although she no longer wanted Ben , she felt that , if this were to prove the case , it would be a great waste of promising material .
3 Obviously she 'd been lucky in what the travel agency had found for her , she thought approvingly as she glanced round the attractive room .
4 So she had been right about his mood !
5 So she had been right about Rebecca after all , she thought as they walked back towards the main part of the house .
6 From the day I first got an inkling of ‘ where babies come from ’ and taxed my mother with the proposition that I was therefore no relation to my father , I believed that it was me and me alone who had been responsible for all that pain and trouble called my birth .
7 If only they had been stricter with her .
8 On the walk back to Daphne 's flat Becky could n't help feeling a little guilty about deserting Charlie on his first night home and began to think perhaps it had been selfish of her to accept an invitation to go to a concert with Guy that night .
9 Perhaps he had been surprised to be greeted by an adult who did n't either admonish or cross-examine him .
10 So he had been churlish to Carol after all .
11 In other words , scribes did not always either know or care exactly who had been present at a grant , and relied on extant lists of great men , doubtless sometimes copied from earlier charters .
12 Growing congressional concern over the matter had also been demonstrated by the decision of the Senate armed services committee to block promotion for more than 4,500 Navy and Marine Corps officers until information was forthcoming on whether or not they had been involved in the assaults .
13 The performance of students was also examined with regard to whether or not they had been involved in some type of formal study during the two years prior to entry to the DipHE .
14 Usually she liked being alone in the house , but this evening was different and not just becuse Gran was ill upstairs .
15 When her husband and daughter returned home they had been distressed at not finding Margaret .
16 Perhaps also she had been afraid of meeting Matthew .
17 Formerly he had been prone to pessimism , full of gloomy prognoses about over-population and wars , which would prevent mankind from ever fulfilling its dream of colonising other planets .
18 Not half an hour back I had been dewy-eyed with nostalgia for him .
19 ‘ It turned out she 'd been terrified during the delivery .
20 For a few yards now she had been aware of a car cruising behind her .
21 To think that not so long ago I had been one of these creatures , peddling off through the drizzle to a dead-end job !
22 Six years ago she had been tongue-tied in his presence , and terrified by the strength of her reaction to him , her fear manifesting itself physically , stopping the breath in her throat , tensing her muscles and making her nerves leap every time he moved or spoke to anyone , and the rare occasions on which his glance had strayed idly in her direction , it had actually hurt her .
23 A few years ago he had been one of the best-paid dancers in Flamenco .
24 Latterly he had been involved in eel fishing and had been seeking a place to keep his eels alive and fresh .
25 Luckily he had been one of those we had briefed and he remembered the name .
26 Maybe I 'd been wrong about Bonanza after all .
27 I was just as mystified , but then , I could n't explain how I 'd been aware of her presence on our previous visit .
28 There I had been present at the celebrations marking the Golden Jubilee of St Joseph 's College , Sasse , ( pronounced Sassay ) , where I used to teach .
29 Since then they had been awkward in each other 's company and everything seemed to have gone wrong .
30 In addition , having had several days in which to think about it , she could see quite clearly how it had been responsible for the problems which had been harassing her all her life .
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