Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [vb past] [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If only I 'd met you a year ago . ’
2 So I said send me a cheque and I 'll go and shop .
3 So I decided to give it a miss that day .
4 So I decided to make myself a boat .
5 He sold his video , and so nobody went to see him no more , except for me .
6 No , however much she tried to dismiss what the astrologer had said , the words kept ringing in her ears until she thought she would scream .
7 His hand toyed mercilessly with her breasts , as if he had the right ; perhaps she had given him the right ; as if he owned her and she existed solely for his capricious use .
8 It was all she needed to give her a chance to retaliate .
9 So she had to do it the slow way .
10 She pushed the feeling from her , for suddenly it did scare her a little .
11 She had been necessary , but despised , so naturally he had discarded her the moment she was no longer necessary to him , and their single sexual collision was all it had taken to free him .
12 Only he had to do it every day .
13 So he agreed to call it a day .
14 So he agreed to give her the camera , show her how to use it ; he 'd make sure the family were out the afternoon she came round to get the film developed .
15 The longer I waited to tell her the harder it became .
16 Somewhere and somehow she 'd given them the slip , shinned down the mat of Virginia creeper in the darkness and scuttled across the lawn to hide .
17 ‘ So , you came out here at my invitation , but already you had labelled me a reckless fool , ’ he agreed calmly , laughter glittering in the gold-flecked eyes , ‘ only to have unexpected confirmation of your fears last night .
18 Tonight he tried to imagine what the Corsican looked like in a rage .
19 Somehow he had known what the outcome of all this was going to be .
20 Sometimes he grunted at me as if trying to get me to say something , but always I had to give him the same classroom answer : ‘ Ich verstehe nicht . ’
21 So when Lewis turned up I decided to show him the money straight away .
22 Now I wanted to tell you a little bit too before we leave about one of the ARC publications that may be of interest to those of you who are self-propelled .
23 Nothing much doing at the pond , they had set the rods up and were wandering around , looking for frogs and newts , then they returned to their rods ; nothing stirred , so around 10pm they decided to call it a day .
24 Well I did promise you a doggy did n't I ?
25 She was in a mindless world where she had forgotten everything about why he was there , mindless that not half an hour ago she had thought him the most hateful of men when , abruptly , shatteringly , he suddenly stilled .
26 Slowly but surely they began to fill my every thought , until it reached the stage where I could no longer cope with daily life .
27 So I explained to them , I said well that 's cos you changed over and I sort of never put it across through oh she said well do n't worry I 've done it now , she said you have n't got anything to worry about now , I said well it did bother me a bit to think that I did n't think you had my payment !
28 Well he wanted to know who the Traidcraft person
29 ‘ And then I began to ask myself the questions all over again .
30 ‘ There was every reason for me to suspect that the present was just such a case : the medical cause of the death was perfectly well known to the family — indeed I had sent them a copy of the pathologist 's report .
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