Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [adv] [vb past] [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Would you rather I simply agreed or told the truth ? ’ he asked .
2 So I just went and told my sister .
3 So I duly smeared and squeezed .
4 In doing so it also extended and sharpened the tools by which it assured standards across the growing territory of higher education , but at the same time it struggled with the problem of those institutions which increasingly felt that they had served a long enough apprenticeship .
5 Sometimes she wandered quietly about with measures and notebooks , but mostly she just sat and watched and listened .
6 Emmie was always frightened that he would say they could n't afford it and try to borrow money , but usually he just laughed and said there was n't any need , the girls could manage .
7 Still he neither resisted nor succumbed , but stood In front of his attacker like a saint awaiting martyrdom .
8 Wednesday , I 'd got Michael outside in the pushchair , coat on and I think I 'd just come down from the loo and I saw the car pull up I quickly ran and got me coat on oh I , I 'll come with you she said , so she come shopping with me .
9 More often she just leaked and leaked and leaked .
10 I pretended something was wrong with the bed , and then I just turned and ran .
11 Then I drove into his space well then somebody else came and drove in behind me and the car in front then was sort of , oh yeah , then somebody else came and reversed in in front of him , so the car in front it was across the drive was boxed in by this time , I did n't box him in I just
12 parked behind , but then somebody else came and parked in front of him , and he was there and sort , you could see him looking you know , he looked at the driveway and he looked , he was looking in his rear view mirror and then he turned round and looked like this , then he looked at the front , and he was thinking my god I ca n't get out of here , and all of a sudden a little car comes up the road stops , goes beep , beep on the horn , wan na get in the drive , this bloke went ha , ha , ha , ha and he could n't do anything
13 And then somebody else came and said she was er I think
14 Then I drove into his space well then somebody else came and drove in behind me and the car in front then was sort of , oh yeah , then somebody else came and reversed in in front of him , so the car in front it was across the drive was boxed in by this time , I did n't box him in I just
15 On either side , and then you just looked and shoved that out and then on you went .
16 Then we just sat and looked
17 Then they quietly washed and dried their own hands and returned to the general room .
18 Charlie liked to sleep here and there , owning nothing , living nowhere permanent , screwing whoever he could ; sometimes he even rehearsed and wrote songs .
19 I repeated my fruitless exercise at the end of October , and again at the end of November , when I finally relented and paid the cheapest price I could get .
20 I kept Joanna in commission , her food locker in the small cuddy where I both cooked and slept well stocked with keeping-stores , and she had a good reserve of fuel for the outboard .
21 And yet she neither pleaded nor complained .
22 His mouth ground down hard , forcing a terrible anger to her heart because he was untrue and yet she still loved and needed him .
23 There were some minor successes in cases of illegal imprisonment of seamen , standards of accommodation for lascars and compensation for sickness and injury , but for the most part the Shipping Federation reigned supreme , " by turns supercilious and vindictive " , providing ample funds for blackleg labour and even , during the parliamentary session of 1906 during which the Merchant Shipping Bill was being considered " turning a corner of the Committee Room into a private bureau of their own from whence they assiduously prompted and coached those shipowners in the Committee who were hostile to Mr. Lloyd George 's proposals " .
24 Yet he so influenced or anticipated what was to come that he remains still the great point of departure for modern Protestant theology .
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