Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [modal v] [vb infin] [verb] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Right I shall have to leave Gary in there for half an hour then
2 Only I 'll have to tell Susan , of course .
3 And in years and years to come you 'll be all alone and useless and you 'll think ‘ Perhaps I should have helped Masklin when he asked me , ’ and then you 'll think , ‘ If I had my time all over again , I would have helped him . ’
4 Perhaps I could have ignored Nonni 's theories , but I was very unsure of myself except in matters of political opinion , and she was the sort of woman who is strong because she has never questioned her fixed beliefs : a kind of older , more battered Sophie .
5 Personally I 'd hate to see Hodge go , he gives his all and as has been mentioned on a number of occasions scores very important goals but I suppose their is really no place for sentiment with the way we 've started this season .
6 all that 's been disclosed is one as far as I know , erm your Lordship can see that I at some stage need to have a look at them , er before I complete in any way so I can cross examine Mr er my Lord may I just say this , on the seventeenth of November , that 's two days ago , we asked for the documents of the necessary twelve M P's two days ago
7 And er this is one of the er new things that 's happening really er with BAUS this year is that er people are coming from far and wide and chairing session so I 'd like to welcome Stuart very much indeed .
8 Right so I 'd like to introduce Brenda , ladies and gentleman .
9 Perhaps she should have let Signor Candiano arrange her accommodation and meet her .
10 If you want something in this world you have to be positive , she reflected , so , instead of quelling the emotions which arose within her , perhaps she should agree to become Vitor 's bride and attempt to capture his heart ?
11 Perhaps you would like to nurse Harry for a while ? ’
12 Perhaps you 'd like to see Ruth 's room ? ’
13 So you may have to ask Norman if it 'll now work .
14 ‘ In fact , I 've half a mind to join you two girls tomorrow in Sherwood Forest , and perhaps we could arrange to lose Anna somewhere in the bosky glades . ’
15 in the second half so we can expect to see Collimore racing on to all sorts of long balls now .
16 As one wag put it , as it was the opening of the toilets , perhaps they should have invited Lou Macari .
17 Madeleine was his sole reason for wanting to return to England — although naturally he 'd love to see Alice if she happened to be in London .
18 If only he could have seen Anne today … ( breaks off ) .
19 Perhaps he should have watched Robert Bresson 's A Man Escaped before embarking on the picture .
20 If the penalty had gone in he would have matched Malcolm Macdonald 's five against Cyprus in 1975 .
21 It was better this way ; somehow she would manage to see Dana before Roman did , and then she would leave and take up her life as it had been before she had met Roman almost a week ago .
22 Er and if not we would move to discuss Harrogate .
23 If he had run away he would have taken Murgatroyd — he would n't have gone anywhere without Murgatroyd .
24 But meanwhile he must go to see Terence Place 's wife , who also was not weeping .
25 What like you would have done Nick ?
26 Also I would like to say Joshua Galvin , for all the unsung work he has done in British hairdressing ’ .
27 This will reduce the time taken to read modules out of LIFESPAN and will have most effect when large numbers of reads are being performed eg. you may want to inhibit CRC checking while many modules are being read out of LIFESPAN in preparation for a build .
28 Now he would have to face Gina 's displeasure .
29 If asked 10 years or so ago I would have said Pseudotropheus elegans , Ps. livingstonii , Ps. lanisticola , and an undescribed species ( still ) known as Ps. ‘ livingstonii likoma ’ .
30 Well we 'll have to wait Kelly Ann , will we do ?
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