Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [adv] [vb past] my [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But mostly I just felt my power !
2 I was glad I 'd said it so I just kept my head down and played on .
3 And like I thought I 'm not gon na look up in case he goes for me or something , so I just kept my head in the pillow and pretended the light was blinding me oh ha ha cos when I get you alone what ?
4 So I merely downplayed my reply .
5 The Sister Constance , who was the then the principal sister there she let us have the field so we got entertainment laid on we invited a celebrity , I think our first celebrity was erm I think it was Lord and Lady and then each time we had a different one , we had entertainment the whole time we started , about half past two and then we had entertainment until six then we had an interval then we had entertainment till twelve o'clock I even took my piano down onto the field so that we could have music .
6 I was going mad : my mum was swearing at me , I was swearing at her ; finally I just lost my temper and said .
7 And I took that little book up to the union and showed it to the branch secretary and still I never got my bike or any compensation for it .
8 The coach journey the next day to Helsinki airport was very long , and when I stood up to get off I finally pulled my hamstring .
9 They way he just took my hair in one hand , while we were standing looking up at that God-awful window in the great hall , and turned my head to him , and pulled me close ; tongue down my throat before I knew what was happening , and there was something adolescent and desperate beneath all that working-class directness , but Jesus , I felt wanted …
10 I dreamed last night that I sat by a fire with Grandmother & my brother & when I woke up I still felt my brother 's hand .
11 I think they thought they were supporting me , by saying , ‘ You 'll be OK ! ’ , but really it just increased my anxiety .
12 Rob Wilson 's courtesy and kindness is legendary and many years ago he indirectly helped my mother to hook her first salmon .
13 Well what really set my mind was when I lost my sister and my brother .
14 Unfortunately I soon blotted my copy book by stating that Pete Townshend of The Who should be tried for cultural war crimes and made to issue a public apology .
15 Maybe I just enjoyed my work too much .
16 That was how I eventually got my bicycle .
17 How I ever found my way back is a miracle , but , eventually , I touched wood again and , somehow , managed to haul myself up and over .
18 When I started on my mental journey ; the way seemed to be dark and impossible , yet I slowly found my way ; and so can everyone else .
19 Yet I never knew my father when he lived there — only the stories Mrs Appleby used to tell me about his childhood .
20 The first time in Ireland where I nearly got my head blown off . ’
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