Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [verb] [pn reflx] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So I took myself off to my billet , feeling bloody frustrated and edgy , might I add , and thence to bed , where I thought about it .
2 And so I found myself back in the overgrown garden in the bright daylight .
3 Then suddenly she flung herself down on the bed and closed her eyes .
4 Suddenly he threw himself down on the ground and rolled over and over in the dust .
5 He conducted me back down the cold stone steps by the scruff of my neck and soon I found myself back in the street again .
6 Somehow she got herself out of the room , and up the stairs before anyone appeared to speak to her , tore off her clothes , and then hid the betraying underwear in a Gladstone bag which she later threw off Waterloo Bridge after she had left the embassy , pretending to go with Laura Parslow on her European tour , but actually having hired herself out to J. D. O'Connor , and gone to the East End .
7 For sixthly he invites himself round for a drink one evening .
8 Finally he hauled himself out on the allied side .
9 Slowly she lowered herself on to a dead log and sat there .
10 Deliberately she sat herself down at her desk and examined her post .
11 Her hand stole up to cover his and gradually she rested herself back against him .
12 A moment later he found himself back in the top of the tree .
13 Mothers belong to a small group of people whose success is measured by how well they work themselves out of their job .
14 Slowly he eased himself on to the side of the tub , drawing her down with him .
15 Shaking his big head slowly he lowered himself on to the chaise-longue and sat back carefully .
16 Tell you how I brought myself up on Wells , Huxley and Shaw ; how I prefer George Eliot and even Thackeray to Dickens ; how I like Orwell , Hardy and Housman , and dislike the Auden-Spender-Isherwood crew ( preaching socialism as a sideshoot of homosexual law reform ) ; how I 'm saving Virginia Woolf for when I 'm dead .
17 Then she flung herself on to his stomach , squealing with delight , and he began to tickle her .
18 Then she flung herself down into her pillows and gave way to tears of frustration and rage .
19 Then she brought herself out of it .
20 Then she let herself out of the door and walked through the yard , muttering quietly to Ferry , so that he would know who it was .
21 Then she let herself out of the farmhouse , and started to walk .
22 Her eyes closed as her lips parted , then she gave herself up to the joy of feeling his heart begin to thud .
23 Then she threw herself on to the bed and stuck the pillow over her head , biting her teeth together , absolutely determined not to cry .
24 Sleepily she dragged herself out of bed .
25 Then he eased himself up from his straddle-legged posture over the small backyard shore , holding the cut artery open while the blood drained away .
26 Then he eased himself through like a desperado entering a bar and ambled across the office , cracking quips like walnuts .
27 That was with a Russian rifle ; then he blew himself up with a Russian grenade .
28 Then he flung himself down on the settee .
29 Then he pulled himself out from under the rugs , feeling ashamed , and walked over to where the bank was free of weeds .
30 Then he hauled himself up over the Zodiac 's port tube and rolled on to the floor slats .
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