Example sentences of "[adv] [modal v] not be [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It would be naive for anyone to suggest that politicians in should not be seeking to gain the maximum advantage from the European Community .
2 They had referred to all the relevant authorities and had properly understood the principles and so could not be said to have erred in law .
3 The only real snag was that venues were posted in advance to assist the spectators and so could not be changed to suit the prevailing weather conditions .
4 Such people obviously can not be approached to fill in a questionnaire !
5 Reasons that should have determined the authority 's directive but failed to do so can not be thought to belong to the justification of the directive .
6 The argument is therefore an inductive one and so can not be used to justify the principle of induction .
7 That so many people are poor and so can not be expected to manage behaviour problems
8 For the past 150 years our politicians have been droning on about the need to train the British worker to the level of the German , oblivious to the somewhat obvious fact that we are not Germans so can not be expected to behave like them .
9 The results show that the geological map alone can not be used to predict radon hazard : soil-gas surveys must also be made .
10 Results of the surveys have shown that the geological map alone can not be used to predict radon hazard : soil-gas surveys must also be made .
11 The advice concludes , however , with the observation that ‘ this situation should be looked at sensibly and the prohibition outlined above must not be allowed to jeopardise the patient 's health .
12 The Swedish Prime Minister , Carl Bildt , justly complained that ‘ membership has unspecified potential obligations ’ , and that Sweden thus could not be expected to make binding assurances that she would participate in a common defence policy which has not yet been defined .
13 His sort of realism just could not be expected to compete with that of the gangster film and especially now with that being offered by James Cagney .
14 Well I did n't because I just could n't be bothered to put the oven on to get as hot as that for such short period of time .
15 No , I think , in other cases , they just ca n't be bothered to give you feedback .
16 Ah , but that 's not the point , I wo , if they take him back I still should n't be allowed to train him .
17 Granted that senior army officers , like Sir William , were used to handling men and making decisions , they still could n't be expected to understand what was involved in a tricky investigation , be able to discuss tactics .
18 On the other hand , pay rates for secretarial/office staff in client organisations are often bureaucratically determined and usually can not be adjusted to take account of supply and demand without disturbing established relativities ( see IDS , 1986b ) .
19 Sad claims , but nothing compared to an NME reviewer 's view that the band Flowered Up should n't be allowed to play in clubs , because black music has always been the mainstay there , and Flowered Up have their roots in rock .
20 What he also could n't be expected to know ( and thank goodness he did n't ) , was how much more morally devastating were the V1 and V2 buzz bombs and rockets when they started falling on London soon after D-Day .
21 Similarly , if an authority sells a piece of land , the capital receipt also can not be used to keep local taxes down .
22 ( b ) A bye-law made under this paragraph clearly can not be made to apply to hotel or restricted hotel licences .
23 In particular , criminal statistics only show what police forces record , and the police clearly can not be expected to record the numerous offences which they do not know about .
24 While Ross was fighting to save his business — rather like David against Goliath — he really could n't be expected to deal with the boringly mundane but nevertheless important work of running the apartment as efficiently as possible .
25 I was thinking of going up for something myself , but I really ca n't be bothered to move actually .
26 He knew very well that , without my running to and fro , the passengers mostly would n't be bothered to move to drink , so he accepted fast , no doubt considering me a mug as well as an actor .
27 They decided that Pilger , Hayling and the journalists simply could n't be bothered to make the move .
28 Several local authorities have provided special bins and ‘ pooper scooper ’ in parks , but unfortunately there are many dog owner who simply ca n't be bothered to clear up after their dogs .
29 Or , if they have the skills , they simply ca n't be bothered to train hard enough in order to maximise that potential .
30 And bothered yourself with it , you know how to do it but you do n't ca n't be bothered to do it .
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