Example sentences of "[adv] [modal v] [adv] be [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He took the view that her consent alone could not be retracted since it was given for all time as part of the contract of marriage .
2 Yet it is one of the most distinctive brachiopods in the whole record and it has internal structures which make it clear that none of the abundant brachiopods in the strata above or below could possibly be classified as even distant relations .
3 For example there were evident differences in lexical incidence between items which had been thought to belong to the same phonological set ; get and never in contemporary Belfast vernacular did not pattern in the same way as items such as wet and wedding , and so could not be considered as tokens of the variable ( Ε ) ( see further 6.7 ) .
4 It perhaps will never be realised as it is questionable as to how many people do want to be active in politics .
5 Though the appeal should set out the grounds on which the appeal is based , appeals which fail to do so will not be regarded as inadmissible .
6 However subjective the ‘ standard of living adequate for health and wellbeing ’ , it obviously can not be achieved if population is outstripping subsistence .
7 In a sentence such as ( 30 ) , the event saw obviously can not be conceived as existing before the beginning of the crossing : ( 30 ) I saw him cross the street .
8 This position claims that the existence of God not only can not be proved but can not make sense .
9 This pop will never trivialize itself , and so can never be lauded as cheap tack .
10 As the Swann Report says ( again with reference to Multicultural Education ) , ‘ It is important to recognise however that permeation alone can not be regarded as providing adequate provision for the kind of teaching which we have advocated … . without additional specialist course work , both compulsory and optional ’ ( DES , 1985 : 559 ) .
11 The system of personalised in-bureau training that has been described above could not be sustained and developed without the two-tier system of area training officers supported by area tutors and many in-bureau tutors .
12 When she was away for those ten days I mean certain things just could n't be done because no-one knew
13 This interface will function optically as a convex mirror , and light incident on it — which normally would not be perceived because it would fall on the blind spot , will be reflected back into the eye .
14 Sometimes it just ca n't be helped cos there 's nothing in your price range you know that you like that is n't empty but I would prefer an empty property so that when we decide and then whatever just
15 They have to invent so many for other people they just ca n't be bothered when it comes to themselves . ’
16 We will mark a stressed syllable in transcription by placing a small vertical line high up , just before the syllable it relates to ; the words quoted above will thus be transcribed as follows :
17 The question of whether it will be effective or not will not be determined until the trials are finished . ’
18 This may be a form of habituation , but it is very long-lasting and thus can reasonably be regarded as at least a form of non-associative learning .
19 Employers may be expected to allow reasonable opportunities for their employees to engage in public service , but substantial demands for time off may either be refused or constitute a block to career advancement .
20 Erm er what about the wor possibly a word like indifferent but it 's not a very common word in the English language , possibly would n't be bothered or something like that .
21 In juvenile courts offenders may not be identified ; the public and press may be excluded from Official Secrets Act trials where the evidence relates to national security secrets , and the testimony given at committal proceedings usually can not be published until the trial is over , to avoid prejudicing the jury .
22 It also should not be forgotten that Hastings has toured New Zealand three times in recent years — for the World Cup in 1987 , with Scotland in 1990 and the World XV last year — an experience which Carling can not match .
23 However vague may be the concept of ‘ medical care adequate for health ’ , the right clearly can not be realised if there are no doctors .
24 In the event of the name of a member nominated being on the official panel of available parliamentary candidates of an affiliated organisation the consent in writing of the Executive Committee thereof must also be obtained and sent in with the form of nomination .
25 The vendor should resist assuming that the full earn out will eventually be paid and concentrate instead on the formula and past performance to consider the realistic expectation .
26 The Origin of the Family , Private Property and the State , 1884 Formen is the most detailed discussion of pre-capitalist society in Marx 's mature work and it really can not be understood except as a part of the background for the more fully completed works Marx was either planning or did wrote , especially Capital .
27 Treaty and , in particular , articles 7 , 52 and 221 thereof can not be interpreted as depriving the member states of their competence under public international law with regard to the registration of ships .
28 I understand that it is possible , even at this late stage , that the review itself could be overturned by the refusal of France to agree the new allocation of seats and we 've already had an exchange on that , Mr Deputy Speaker , which indicates that whatever we decide today might actually be overthrown and overturned completely by the inability of the French to ratify their part of the arrangement , er the minister referred to it as a massive inconvenience , I suggest that if we have to resort to going back to the old boundaries to fight these elections and indeed the problems that that will cause for the selection of candidates as well , that that will be one of the greatest understatements that even this house has heard .
29 my Lord I can I 'm sitting early tomorrow because a witness is being cross examined by Mr got to go off to so tomorrow he simply could not er , he si simply could not be released but er with your clerk er we 've been able to speak to Mr
30 Secondly , we set about drawing attention , nationally and locally , to a threatened church that simply could not be described as being redundant , having a weekly congregation of over 1,500 worshippers !
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