Example sentences of "[adv] [art] [noun sg] for [pron] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 This was the yard where Mrs Hollidaye fed the hens , throwing down the corn for them to peck up .
2 I told him it was entirely a matter for him to decide : that the Labour Party was my client and I would proceed on its instructions .
3 It 's been a good season for Barnes and another Twickenham occasion is just the stage for him to show the selectors how good he can be .
4 She was therefore a little disconcerted to find when they left the station that instead of waiting for a taxi Lady Selvedge began to stride away in the direction of Victoria Street , saying ‘ I know just the place for us to get a snack .
5 It 's within the congregation , Paulo was writing , not to those outside but to those dedicated baptized brothers and sisters in the trees , said you know the season that it is already the hour for you to awake so he was speaking to spiritual people , spiritually minded people and yet here he is telling them to be awake , awake from sleep or slumbers , for now our salvation is nearer than at the time when we became the leavers , and that 's true with us all if you came into the truth yesterday , the time that much nearer now is n't it ?
6 We told them she was losing the baby , but they thought it was just a scam for her to get out of the cell .
7 Only one day , but nevertheless it 's something that they will always remember and hopefully it will be just a spur for them to go on and do better things .
8 It was just a trap for you to catch another body .
9 THE property market will continue to be depressed through 1993 , although this is not a reason for you to become depressed .
10 He seems to have thought that the pope ought to have maintained the decrees of his predecessor , but this was not a matter for him to decide .
11 ‘ And that was not a hint for you to offer me a bed for the night , Miss Rose Fenemore .
12 Their economies are failing and even if their players become wealthy by staying at home , there is not a lot for them to buy .
13 Not a lot for them to look forward to .
14 This is just an excuse for him to walk
15 Although the Unix International/OSF wars seem to have abated at the moment , ‘ there is always an excuse for them to rip each others hearts out , leaving Bill Gates to have the market , ’ says Rothstein .
16 It is also notable that where a chairman or chief executive has been brought in from outside to those organisations , this may be followed by many changes in senior management and so , from the headhunters ' point of view , putting a chief executive into an older-style organisation is usually an opportunity for them to work with the newly appointed chief executive to build the new senior management team .
17 Hence the need for it to begin now .
18 My mother and I helped push him up the ladder into the attic ( not easy — he was no lightweight ) , and then passed up the bucket for him to quench the flames .
19 This is also the time for everyone to enjoy an extra special dinner .
20 They waited for nearly a minute for something to happen .
21 ‘ There was no conception of opening up a capacity for you to do things for yourself .
22 Maybe this song will catch on , but I think Deano needs to buck up a bit for it to get sung some more .
23 It took nearly an hour for her to empty the wardrobe and dressing-table .
24 She held out the bottle for him to read the label .
25 Silas 's eyes reflected something more than mere appreciation but he said nothing as he pulled out the chair for her to sit down .
26 ‘ Do you expect God to hold back the tide for us to float here all day , then , or do we turn in to Duart ? ’
27 You will need to work out a menu for yourself to follow , using the Stage I menus as a guide , but adding your own safe foods and drinks .
28 Roman , pulling out a chair for her to sit , turned a slow , devastating gaze on her , totally annihilating her composure .
29 In the valley of Minas Morgul the Ringwraith sends out a command for him to put it on , but Frodo finds no response to it in his own will , feeling only ‘ the beating upon him of a great power from outside ’ .
30 Putting out a hand for him to shake , she added , ‘ It 's a bargain , but I can tell you now , that I shall never belong to anyone but my husband . ’
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