Example sentences of "[adv] [art] [adj] [noun] ['s] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , the Iran-Contra deal indicates not only the differences between US statements and actions over terrorism , but more revealingly the Iranian government 's willingness to engage in Realpolitik .
2 Er Mr Deputy Speaker it 's also quite important that I make clear the Labour party 's position in respect to the article which calls for uniform electoral procedures to be set up for elections to the European parliament .
3 The weight his stepfather had put on the young man 's shoulders had made David seem much older than his twenty-eight years .
4 The staff appraisal interviews were conducted by the Head and the Deputy Head ( Staff ) , who claimed that the main benefits were : a report on individual teachers , agreed with them , on their personal file ( to which the Head added ‘ they 're helping to write their own references ’ ) , and clarification for the Senior Management Team as to what INSET actions they ought to take on the individual teacher 's behalf .
5 In Lorenzo the Magnificent 's anniversary year , this publisher is also bringing out an edition of the inventory of the entire Medici residence taken on the great ruler 's death , L'inventario in morte di Lorenzo il Magnifico , edited by M. Spallanzani and G. Gaeta Bertelà .
6 So this was done , and on the very next day fine grapes were found hanging on the youngest brother 's vine .
7 Put on the old sheep 's head and dance naked round the bonfire .
8 Oh hang on the ex-directory number 's ringing .
9 The Ruffians ' ( 4th XI ) season drew to a close on Saturday when they took on the third team 's opposition at Aldershot .
10 Despite this Jon Newsome 's lovely new wife thinks he 's wonderful but apparently the other players ' wives think she 's a bit of a bimbo .
11 Finally , in December 1945 , the Ministry of Civil Aviation 's White paper on British air services , Cmd. 6712 , which set down the new government 's aviation policy , was submitted to the Cabinet by Lord Winster .
12 Former England coach Steve Harrison is back at Crystal Palace after turning down the assistant manager 's job at Scottish Premier Division St Johnstone .
13 There were plenty of other boys to follow him down the good physician 's route to Fitzwilliam Square .
14 But after three days this week of 500-plus point drops in the Nikkei , most observers called the bounce yesterday technical and temporary , especially with scandals and bad debts breathing down the financial sector 's neck .
15 Double-digit inflation has also pushed down the average soldier 's standard of living .
16 And when her tears mixed with the salty tears that fell down the great beast 's cheek , the spell was released , and he stood before her , a golden-haired young man in hunting-costume .
17 They insist she puts a blanket over her knees to damp down the chief rabbi 's blood pressure .
18 of cocks sucked down the deep end 's outlet hole ,
19 Bacteria and fungi go to work breaking down the dead organisms ' protein into amino acids and converting them into ammonia , a useful source of nutrition .
20 As Tamar placed him in his grandmother 's arms , tears rolled down the older woman 's cheeks .
21 Tears ran down the old man 's cheeks when he heard that .
22 Athelstan hid a smile , looking at the sweat still pouring down the fat coroner 's face , the great , stout stomach wobbling with a mixture of pride and anger .
23 Perhaps the hon. Gentleman 's friend in Manchester university will enlighten him further about that .
24 Assessors can use an accompanying checklist to make a more detailed assessment of certain factors , allowing the resulting completed form to reflect more closely and personally the assessed person 's needs .
25 So the anxious horse 's body is continually prepared for physical danger , and so for flight — which is a rather inappropriate reaction for ordinary everyday care and riding of the horse .
26 So the black youth 's progress in sport is partially or totally neglected by parents .
27 As ever , time constraints meant that we could n't try absolutely everything , and so the Bass Centre 's manager Martin Gravestock agreed to guide us through the popular models within our categories , and we chose random examples from there .
28 Existing waste disposal operations will have to be put out to private or arms-length companies so the local authority 's policing role can not be mixed with its disposal role .
29 So the local Trade 's Council all know me and I think they all like me as well , so .
30 And so the special Valentine 's balloon and hand-drawn card ( see below ) from Mark Woodward of Worcester , was initially greeted with sighs of rapture .
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