Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] him [conj] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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31 In the end I had to go up to him and bring him back to the fire .
32 She goes up to him and tells him to stuff himself and in a flat half-minute he 's belting the old lorry up the London road .
33 After the funeral was over and the bereaved student returned to college , instead of going up to him and holding him — or even just politely commiserating with him — most students ignored him .
34 He had a nice temperament and you could go up to him and stroke him without fear .
35 Some days he would follow a man , a man he 'd just seen in the street , for minutes or for hours , thinking he would go up to him and ask him if he knew the way .
36 ‘ You know the story about Gerhard , looking as he usually does , standing on the steps of Horseguards after a Cabinet Committee , when a kindly person sidled up to him and gave him a quid to buy himself breakfast ? ’
37 Anyway , Benguiat made up to him and gave him a big kiss and then the next day things got bad again because Parkinson was going to in room number two above this floor to sort out his slides and Benguiat had been in there and evidently he had just decided to tuck his shirt in and loosen his trousers and while he was tucking his shirt in Parkinson came in and says aha , caught you with your pants down , and Benguiat storms out of the room .
38 We found him in a night club with his wife , and Flynn went straight up to him and flattened him with a single punch .
39 A waiter came up to him and handed him an airmail copy of some newspaper .
40 He must know the local language sufficiently well to follow what is going on round him and to record it with accuracy and subtlety .
41 I 'll have it out of him or turn him over to the press gang .
42 Burton was so elated at his tough bargaining that he took a rare taxi back to Pelham Crescent , where he met his neighbour , Emlyn Williams , who winkled the details out of him and sent him back for £30 .
43 There had been a steady diminution — since the operation — in his own interest in dentistry but she had tapped his experience out of him and collected it with care .
44 He reached out , catching her by the shoulders to jerk her back towards him and give her a hard shake that made her head spin .
45 Again she saw blue , paler , more transparent , stringing out from him and knew he meant to touch her in reassurance but did n't know if he should .
46 She drew back from him and took him at his word .
47 He took the hand she held out to him and guided her inside the cottage .
48 Christine called out to him and found him crying with the bottle of poisonous carbolic acid still in his hands .
49 ‘ You 'll sort it out , ’ he assured her callously as they entered the building , and she suppressed an urge to hit out at him and tell him exactly what he had done and was doing to her .
50 Twice Michael had lashed out at him and hurt him , only to be contrite and loving in the next breath .
51 She looked back at him and challenged him , ‘ What 's wrong with his behaviour regarding Silvia ? ’
52 How happy she would be now , if she could turn her head and see him there , and reach out her arms to hold on to him and pull him close .
53 He now thrust his arm out and pulled her tightly towards him and waltzed her round the table , saying , ‘ One , two , three ; one , two , three ; one , two , three .
54 We sat in there with him and told him about school .
55 Listen well when he tells us what happened out there to him and respect him for what he has done , and honour him , for at least he has given each of us hope and proof that escape is possible . ’
56 I ran across to him and asked him where the hell Nicola was .
57 She looked across at him and told him frankly , ‘ I fear you simply bring out the worst in me . ’
58 Graham took a step towards her but the English-speaking Arab levelled the pistol menacingly at him and ordered him to remain where he was .
59 I mean as I say now , how can you turn round to a to a bloke who 's , well does n't matter what his on , eh , what , what ever his , his rate of pay is , how can you turn round to him and say you ca n't have more than seven per cent , and his got , his got something like a about twenty five , thirty per cent .
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