Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] their [noun pl] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Deaf and dumb children who could manage by self-teaching alone through their eyes to make themselves useful and a source of income to their parents did not often find their way into the asylums .
2 The lowly ‘ polis ’ , with little or no power in the system , deplores this situation and complains of its escalation , while the detectives moan about the incompetence of the uniform ‘ wollies ’ who never get close enough to their prisoners to extract their own ‘ coughs ’ or admissions and who fail to understand that the system largely depends on the ability of the department to manipulate a statistical norm in detected crimes .
3 But again , she 's making good eye contact , both of them only let their eyes flick down to their notes to remind themselves of the next point they want to make .
4 They did pressure me quite a lot about how I looked , but I never gave in to their attempts to convert me to pink ; I wanted to look different , and in the main I was quite happy with my image .
5 A week after they left to join a transport at Warsaw , permission came through for their parents to follow them ‘ for domestic service ’ .
6 This works even when recipients are away from their desks providing their PC is left on — ‘ far more efficient than sticking a Post-It note on their screen , ’ Richard smiled .
7 Any agency which places you in an unviable or potentially dangerous position could be accused of negligence by delegation , and so it is equally not in their interests to place you inappropriately .
8 ‘ A custom of trade , which is a matter of evidence , may be used to annex incidents to all written contracts , commercial or agricultural , and others , which do not by their terms exclude it . ’
9 Although Laing started at the bottom of the ladder , he admits that the fact he and his brother inherited control of the business early on in their careers helped them to climb the hierarchy rather swiftly .
10 Erm , that is kids may express curiosity , kids may even be doing things that imply they 're getting some sort of pleasure out of their bodies y'know they may be , as we used to call it when I was a child , playing with themselves , um they may be erm doing various things that er that give them some sort of bodily pleasure .
11 They reminded me of the passengers on board a hijacked plane , forced to fly to some destination they did n't want to go to , yet unable to get out of their seats to do something about it .
12 The parents mouth the little larvae out of their shells to move them to clean site .
13 So , as the architects comfortably settled back into their chairs cradling their after-dinner brandies in preparation for some regal platitudes , the Prince launched into a stinging attack that left them reeling .
14 Banks and buildings societies are perfectly within their rights to choose who should benefit from their special offers .
15 The children shuffled left and right on their bottoms to let him pass .
16 They took assets on to their books assuming they would sell them at a profit shortly afterwards .
17 His team-mates Andre Agassi , Pete Sampras and John McEnroe rushed on court and lifted him on to their shoulders to carry him to the sidelines .
18 She pulled out a chair and positioned it between Karelius and Moreau , who struggled awkwardly to their feet to assist her .
19 They reached the shelter of the brick-built cainca far enough ahead of their pursuers to lock themselves in , and for several minutes the coolies milled around the building , trying without success to smash the stout wooden doors and shutters .
20 Mother W is a witch … well , Mother W doth begin to be very odious and terrible unto many , her neighbours dare say nothing but yet in their hearts wish she were hanged .
21 He took out the pliers settled the pilchard key firmly in their jaws pushed it to a precise distance into the keyhole and turned .
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