Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] a [noun] as a " in BNC.

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1 The management of the large Alhambra Theatre agreed to put this on for a week as a curtain-raiser to a horror film starring Boris Karloff .
2 So Adam and Eve they go and hide , but it 's not just Adam and Eve , but it 's every one of us , they 're just pictures , they 're representatives of you and of me , they are the federal head of the human race , and Paul with his writing in Romans three , and verse twenty three reminds us , and J B Phillips in his translation , he puts it like this he says every one has sinned , every one falls short of the beauty of God 's plan , that plan , that purpose that God had , not just for creation , not just for humanity in general , but for you as an individual , that purpose that God had , that beautiful plan , far better than you can could work out , out for yourself falling short of it , we 've marred it , we have n't come up to it , if that circle represented just as a diagram as a picture , God 's plan God 's beautiful plan for you and for me still a circle , but dented here , bashed in there
3 According to this interpretation , the associability of each stimulus element might be expected to decline as it becomes associated with others , just as a CS as a whole is thought to lose associability as it becomes linked with a US .
4 His quiet rage about the papers , and the idiots who paid good money for them , grew more intense as he began to grind away in a job as a research assistant at the Financial Times .
5 But at worst , and far more likely , they would simply hand her over to a magistrate as a thief .
6 The first three instruments here are obviously not intended for the serious player but for the beginner , or to be strummed once in a while as a second or third instrument .
7 A convicted robber has come out of prison on parole … and walked straight into a job as a professional actor .
8 It is unique in the millipede world for its ability to roll up into a sphere as a means of protection .
9 The pressure built up in a system as a result of the intake of water by osmosis .
10 The company was prepared to continue using him for up to a year as a continuity announcer .
11 As I dangled in the middle of our first abseil there was a sound like a freight train out of a tunnel as a large section of mountainside decided to share our icefield .
12 He had not been seen much in recent years , and Peggy Pine — who was Mother Francis 's line of communication with the outer world — said that he was now in a wheelchair as a result of a stroke .
13 He thought they were old already in 991 ; he saw they could be said as well by a heathen as a Christian ; he thought the fierce spirit they expressed was one of the reasons for Beorhtnoth 's rash decision to let the Vikings cross the river and fight on level ground ; they had led to defeat and the death of the innocent .
14 For those who get involved with up-front lathe work , how about a smock as a New Years gift ?
15 After obtaining her degree , she decided against teaching , opting instead for a career as a freelance translator .
16 So convinced is Saab of the value of air conditioning in our climate that it intends offering it instead of a sun-roof as a no-cost option on other models .
17 In August 1746 Leapor looked forward to a career as a writer and perhaps she felt she now had less cause to protest .
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