Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] a [noun sg] as [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It will be noted that failure to comply with a direction regarding structural alterations to a seamen 's canteen may result in a refusal to renew the licence It the next application , and not to a fine as under s.36 .
2 The deep voice was at once familiar and yet strange and Jenna was utterly at a loss as to how to answer .
3 I respectfully agree with the judge that that would be an inappropriate way of achieving the result which clearly ought to be achieved , which is that a child abducted in the way this little boy was should be able to return home pending a decision as to whether he lives with his father or with his mother .
4 Marcus , putting his hands upon the board at the foot , moved the bed slightly on its casters , moving it gently to and fro with a movement as of one rocking a cradle .
5 In this instance we have used five-year steps for both age and service , coming up with a result as in figure 7 .
6 When we discover that e-mail does not necessarily work like that , we are temporarily at a loss as to what to do about it .
7 The price of oil was tumbling again , one of his most reliable brokers on Wall Street had just been arrested for insider dealing , the acquisition of a highly prestigious London hotel had been held up by a query as to who actually owned it and , back home , one of his sisters had just committed suicide , causing a tremor of scandal throughout the country .
8 Downstairs wastes ( from the kitchen sink , for example ) can be taken out to a gully as in the older system , except that they must discharge below the level of the grid on the top of the gully , which means using a back-inlet gully or one with a hole cut in the grid .
9 By getting his colleagues to admit pupils to their lectures after Vial 's death , apparently waiving the customary fee of 10 guineas , he helped the College over a difficult patch , but may unwittingly have set an unfortunate precedent which suggested that preclinical veterinary teaching could be done as well in a medical as in a veterinary context .
10 I fear however in view of what we 've heard from the two sides of the table , you will have rather more difficulty in coming even to a recommendation as to specific guidance on which sector of Greater York , this new settlement should be located if indeed you are minded to recommend in favour of one at all .
11 I stood fearfully against a board as in rapid succession the knives flashed through the air and encircled my body .
12 But then this theory confesses that it is completely at a loss as to how the image can possibly be received by the brain .
13 For a moment she could only stare at him , completely at a loss as to what he meant .
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