Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [adj] [prep] [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Acknowledging that his friendship with the owner of the ravaged poodle had ended , Signor Boretti said , ‘ We had played dominoes together for close on sixty years .
2 Kirkby firemen prevented flames reaching the lower school annexe and nursery school , where classes continued close to normal for 140 youngsters .
3 Kirkby firemen prevented flames reaching the lower school annexe and nursery school , where classes continued close to normal for 140 youngsters .
4 At least 33 shows have been cancelled and the music hall will be boarded up for good within three months , Palladium officials said .
5 At top of field turn right on cross-track ( VW waymark ) , and after 100 yds turn left through right-hand of two fields alongside fence on left .
6 In fact her sight was not back to normal for three months .
7 So I went on to reciprocal for 10 minutes to seek a more friendly environment , which I did , and then set course again .
8 When after the end of the 30 minute perfusion with ethanol ( 25% ) , the stomachs were perfused again with saline for 180 minutes , the extent of damage at the light microscopic level did not change compared with the damage measured immediately after ethanol administration ( Fig 2 ) .
9 All the while she had been talking , she had been moving little by little to one side , her movements casual , and when she was exactly where she wanted to be she reached out and grasped , lifted , and swiftly jabbed the pitchfork that had been standing in the corner of the stall .
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