Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [conj] [pers pn] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Er well y yes , they 'll be running at a loss right through until we eventually fix the prices for the whole programme and er hopefully the if they do it very efficiently we might make some profit .
2 My fears were shared by youthful friends and even adult relatives at times seemed to ‘ chivvy ’ us along as if they too expected the ghost train to rush by .
3 There 's a small one in between but I always home in on that one there .
4 And there 's this attitude that goes along , so some people will say ‘ Oh I 'll take stats ’ , y'know , ‘ regardless of whether I personally think [ they ] ought to be taken . ’
5 Since the group covers the range of network technologies ( it includes hub , adaptor , router , switching , silicon and network operating system software companies ) it feels that it has the breadth to give the 100Base-VG proposal credibility , regardless of whether it eventually forms the basis of an IEEE standard .
6 They still have it in with But we never had a one here .
7 He started down under but he definitely prefers up top .
8 And , just as if he too suspected her caller was Travis , he had taken the diabolical liberty of answering her door himself .
9 It 's not as if I ever go out . ’
10 It 's not as if you really mind .
11 Yeah well no it 's not as if you ever say anything nice about me .
12 It 's daft really , because it 's not as if you suddenly develop crow 's feet or memory failure .
13 So er I thought a alright then , so I I went off like and I just heard erm and said , I went up to see her mother like and , I told her mother about it , like and that and erm her mother says different now , that she came round to see me at the time to tell , to give me a telling off like over her friend .
14 I hate it , I al I always get really paranoid with people I get off with cos I always think it 's a dare from someone .
15 Er there are some areas on that that , that that all of you picked up on that I actually thought that when , just dealing with that part of the C C Q like finding out about details and everything
16 I regularly asked Erica Brausen , the Hanover 's director , if she would visit my studio to see what I was up to but she never had time to take a taxi from Hanover Street to Highgate .
17 In all three works it seemed a little too often as if you simply had to programme in the appropriate music , push the right button , and out it came with a pat brilliance , with an irreproachable but impersonal expertise .
18 So you , well then you 'll still not know what you 're going out with because you still have a few days from last week to get .
19 I was in the toilet , giving him a shot , and I come back in and he just stuck in the syringe , there was nothing you could do .
20 It was n't as if she even liked this man enough to care a damn for his opinion of her !
21 It was n't as if she really needed it , as if there was anyone she wanted to impress …
22 It was n't as if I even wanted to sit down and write in the first place .
23 Her voice , so savagely vindictive just a moment since , was suddenly tremulous and fearful — almost as if she already knew .
24 I want you all to think very hard about whether you really want to go to the toilet . ’
25 Who the hell did he think he was , sitting there as if he really did own the place , stuffing his face with food , its aroma making her stomach cry out — but , worst of all , trying to destroy her new future ?
26 And then we had the er the battledress was issued , the khaki , and erm we was had our head headquarters were started , the headquarters were started in an office at , one of the office rooms at the at the Bloxwich Lock and Stamping Company by the , the top offices we used to call them , by the gates , we had one of the rooms there for and it eventually became the armoury when we got some equipment because rifles etcetera was in very short supply after Dun Dunkirk So eventually we had a few rifles and er when the er we got a few rifles and er the sirens went it was the practice at the beginning when the sirens went in this area for everything to stop and everyone down the shelter but it happened four or five times , everybody realized how non-productive this was , that the time that was lost and there was nothing happening in this area so it was decided by the R T B that we , the , the people off the shop floor would n't stop work until the attack was really imminent or it had started because if this , this was happening all over the Midlands area and of course if you , if you multiply that by the number of people at work you can imagine how much production was lost erm and also when the sirens went Major at the factory used to get the chappies out from off the shop floor , get the few rifles we 'd got , take we in to King George 's playing fields there was a , a brook running across King George 's playing fields then , it had n't and a trench which was extended to stop er aircraft from landing in King George 's cos it was just a big open space .
27 It was then as if she hardly registered his arrival .
28 As you can see from the photo , there 's little to fiddle with on the card — no jumpers to mess about with unless you really want to , because all IRQ and DMA settings are software configurable .
29 The American writer Leslie Farber has a great deal to say about ‘ the life of suicide ’ , which he insists , ‘ must not be seen as the situation or state of mind which leads to the act , but that situation in which the act-as-possibility , quite apart from whether it eventually occurs or not , has a life of its own . ’
30 They went a little while ago , apart from that they never came on this end
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