Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [pron] [noun] and [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But Sir Bernard was outraged ; and since , throughout this account , he goes on about his rectitude and his impartiality as a civil servant , it is worth quoting him on what happened to journalists who fell out with him .
2 In December of that year Dr. Yeats again wrote to Whitbread on this subject , saying that since his previous letter ‘ a paper war has been carried on between my opponents and myself
3 As the weeks passed , he even began to think a little about his home and his son .
4 ‘ The van is quick enough for our purposes and we have no need for turbo diesels , ’ he says .
5 And during that time the house had become brighter in all ways , not only through her cleaning and her presence but also through her cooking .
6 We need a Government who will do better for our children and our young people , a Government with policies dedicated to making this country the best educated and trained nation in Europe .
7 Right well thank you very much for your brevity and we will be able to send out team of experts out to deal with floods after lunch .
8 The students from that time remembered a man with a sharp sense of the ridiculous ; who ragged them but was too shy to be intimate with them though they liked him much for his friendliness and his humour ; who was famous for long , sudden , and embarrassing silences ; who was so eccentric that none of them believed that he could later be a man of distinction in England or his Church ; a man who loved theology — they never met anywhere else a man who so loved theology , and who regarded theology as the highest intellectual activity for humanity ; a fierce defender of liberty of opinion , for Marxists as for anyone else ; whose principal theme was the glory of God , and who was evidently touched by his ideas of Plato ; who did not give the impression of a mind of exceptional ability — there was not enough knife in the mind — but who gave the impression of being an exceptional person ; who disturbed other people 's prayers in chapel with convulsive fidgets and sudden face-rubbings — they regarded him as tense in his devotions and were afraid of a nervous breakdown ; who had a manifest and rare mystical sense of the immediate presence of God , a presence so brilliant that it could almost overpower .
9 He said he had some news , but it was only for my ears and I must keep it confidential .
10 A rock jutted out which others had grabbed as they swung down , but as I tried to do the same there was no edge below for my feet and I whimpered pathetically dangling on the end of the rope .
11 Back to front , cos he 'd be carrying a lot of of hay on his back and that was to stop the hay seed , going down between it shirt and his skin .
12 I come in for me rosin and you 're lying on the ground .
13 Lady I got her from she 's just getting the webs in between her feet and I thought then
14 I admired him greatly for his bravery and his cheerfulness .
15 Anorexia provided me with the illusion that I was in control , not only of my body and my own status within the community , but of that community itself and , finally , of the biological processes which others around me were powerless to influence .
16 When , in response to the highwayman 's threat , ‘ Your money or your life , ’ the victim delivered up his money , he did so against his will and there was no question of consent .
17 so like my husband and I would like all the listeners to know
18 Trivial or shallow , in particular , are criticisms levelled at young women for their concern over their appearance ; one of the worst current insults you can throw at an actress or pop star is that she 's a bimbo — concerned only with her looks and nothing else .
19 I pulled round inside onto his tail and he dived away towards Sicily .
20 Now , gently with your hand and I mean gently ,
21 Because you 're sitting down with your partners and we 'll give actually literature which your managers will give you .
22 A short stab of icy wind made him huddle deeper into his cloak and he stirred to keep the hot blood flowing through his veins .
23 The Somali nation has broken down into its tribes and there is little trust between them .
24 And as her body and limbs thrummed in the dizzy afterflow Fernando deepened his penetration , shuddering against her till she clung to him , grinding herself under him to give him the ultimate pleasure , to enhance every thrust he pounded into her , to draw him hard down into her power and her love .
25 down into his arteries and we ca n't get anything down there so they 're blocked , but he said how the hell he survived that op I do n't know he said they could 've done more with his legs but it meant another hour and a quarter minutes in surgery , and he said he 'd had enough we could n't have kept him on the table a minute longer so he said all we can do is wait , so now mum said well he 's alright in intensive care , he 's responding well , getting over the operation well , but what we was worried about was him breathing on his own , had he , had he been you see , anyway he said this on er Thursday
26 Adimov sagged down onto his mattress and his head was half-buried in his pillow and there was a redness in his eyes .
27 She says she can remember it was very exciting , people from London coming down onto our farm and her father being interviewed and all the scenes she was in .
28 So with your pennies and her pennies I think we should all make a lot of money for Save The Children , do n't you ?
29 The RAF were expecting them , and a motorised ack-ack unit had been called in with their Scammells and their diesel generators and their giant mobile searchlights to blaze away with 3.7 inch AA guns at what they tentatively registered as about a dozen Heinkels flying very high , too high to be in danger .
30 Our personalities and our capacities for relationship with and to others are integrally bound in with our sexuality and its exercise .
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