Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [pron] [noun pl] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Squat down with your feet just over shoulder width apart .
2 I walked in with my hands still in my pockets .
3 She opened her long arms and let them fall gently to her sides again with another smile , gesturing to a couch and taking a seat herself nearby .
4 As I 've already hinted at even with our products and products most of our customers today in fact are implementing departmental systems .
5 If you look around you downstairs with your eyes instead of your prejudices you 'll notice that the women here are as varied in age , weight and physical attributes as they are in race , colour or creed .
6 And at the same time it draws attention away from your activities here in the Wilds .
7 Terrified children were led outside in their costumes away from the poisonous fumes .
8 Each of London 's districts possessed its own distinctive character , an individuality that marked it off from its neighbours either by topographical features and architectural appearance or by social and occupational structure .
9 FURTHER to my revelations yesterday about Richard Branson being thrown out of Sir James Goldsmith 's Mexican estate after pushing the financier into his own swimming pool , I learn that Goldsmith is taking his new-found environmental conscience very seriously .
10 We had straight from our wages straight to the union , it 's payed at union right away .
11 A few people sat on the floor ( no chairs in the drama studio ) and jumped straight to their feet again as an outbreak of jeering laughter told them that they 'd got it wrong .
12 Tina reckons out of her wages she 's got ninety , ninety six pound a week out of her wages just for mortgage and
13 There 's different stories about I know that long ago about men being put out of their putting out of their houses just to and they just er demolished the house you ken and
14 Cos even National Savings cycle over a five year period , and what you want to achieve is money coming back into your hands regularly over that period so you can take another look at what you 're doing .
15 Bob Busby had also concluded his business at the urinal , but is adjusting his dress with a great deal of fumbling and knee-flexing , as if his member is of such majestic size that it can be coaxed back into his Y-fronts only with the greatest difficulty .
16 In many parts of the country , villages are dormitory and retirement centres ; the farms that now work the land are for the most part out in their fields away from the villages .
17 The Chancellor stayed in Italy even though Premier John Major and Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd rushed back from their hols abroad for the emergency session over possible action against Iraq .
18 But this is an obvious over-simplification , and I would not wish to go back on my words earlier in this chapter about those wise men who claim to see a pattern in history .
19 The animal bounced back to its feet only to be killed by a bus .
20 After leaving hospital he moved back to his parents home in County Durham .
21 The ash is a classic example of a tree which holds on to its fruits well into the next season even though they may have been ripe since October .
22 And a strange sight it was , this tiny dark-hared person sitting there with her feet nowhere near touching the floor , totally absorbed in the wonderful adventures of Pip and old Miss Havisham and her cobwebbed house and by the spell of magic that Dickens the great story-teller had woven with his words .
23 I lifted Harry until he was sitting on the walkway and then , still gripping him tightly , wriggled up beside him so that we were both sitting there with our heads wholly above water , which may not sound a great advance but which was probably the difference between life and death .
24 The fire was warm as I sat down to contemplate whether to stay overnight with my relatives just outside Fort William , or start walking to Achnacarry some ten miles or so away .
25 Other parents start to withdraw emotionally from their children instead of becoming violent .
26 These values are expressed , not only in words , but in actions — most notably in that scrupulous attention to detail that has set McDonald 's apart from its competitors ever since the early 1950s .
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