Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun] [conj] it do " in BNC.

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1 A Department of Agriculture might function more effectively for agriculture if it did not take on , unnecessarily and confusingly , a role in food marketing .
2 And it bounced and bounced and bounced and I thought it was going on for ages but it did n't .
3 That he evidently supposes that a 43-year-old woman , hitherto miserably infertile , could make cod claims on such an issue tells you rather less about Walter than it does about Graham Swannell 's flimsy and opportunistic approach to characterisation .
4 You 'd gain if you avoided putting that down as a score draw , especially of course if it did n't turn out to be a score draw .
5 While the price of doing business in Russia is high — the cost of office space in Moscow , for example , is rocketing — Hall reckons Sun kit will cost less in CIS than it does in the rest of Europe , where customers are used to paying a premium for IT products .
6 Doing things communicating with people verbally can mean a lot more now sometimes with a lot of bureaucracy you can get sucked in to putting everything down on paper but it does n't mean as much as it does when it 's face to face communication .
7 I know of no other investment that returns less on death than it does should you live .
8 MI6 is supposed to operate only outside Britain although it does occasionally get involved in projects within Britain such as the Crabb affair of 1956 ( see Chapter 3 ) , which was bungled from start to finish .
9 Er , now the the point I really want to refer to is erm just what role an auditor ought to play er in the er insurance and financial service industry in looking at particular firms , erm I have several interests which the honourable member for Edinburgh central knows about , er the one that I think is relevant er to tonight is that I am an elected member of the insurance brokers registration council and the way that erm the way that we regulate insurance brokers erm is laid down by statute but it does actually demonstrate the advantage , the benefit of erm of having a statutory requirement for audit and for er a proper oversight of what then follows in terms of the way that the regulator reacts to what the auditor may say .
10 Her question seemed to catch her more off guard than it did him , and she felt a warm blush rise to her cheeks .
11 The gravitational force between two bodies would decrease more rapidly with distance than it does in three dimensions .
12 Female labour was never used underground in Cornwall and it does not seem to have been much used at the surface either , until the growth of copper mining which rapidly overhauled tin in importance after about 1740 .
13 While both Angevins would naturally have liked to get their own way in both regions it is likely that the Quercy meant more to Richard than it did to Henry .
14 Okay so got on that train , thinking it would go straight to Hertford and it did n't .
15 Much of the Forestry Commission 's early planting was certainly crude and insensitive , but in recent years it has become more attentive to its landscaping responsibilities ( not least because the Forestry Commission has found that there is money to be made out of tourism if it does so ) and now employs landscape consultants to advise on its planting policies .
16 In fact it 's the best offer I 've ever had , and in any case I always knew I could go back to Wakefield if it did not work out .
17 The camouflage not only works well among trees , scrub or rocks , but also hides its wearer as efficiently by night as it does by day .
18 but she said er , they did n't do too well with Anna because it did n't drain
19 Mechanically , it works almost as well on land as it does in water , so that providing a creature can find a way of breathing , there is little to prevent it walking straight out of the sea and up the beach .
20 No one ever looked ‘ a little lovelier each day with fabulous new Camay ’ — a bar of green Fairy soap worked as well on faces as it did on floors .
21 Unlike many of the other Community programmes , DELTA concentrates exclusively on technology and it does so in the knowledge that it is technology rather than social/educational concerns that will bridge the yawning gap between training needs and training provision in the 1990s and beyond .
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