Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun] [conj] it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 A Department of Agriculture might function more effectively for agriculture if it did not take on , unnecessarily and confusingly , a role in food marketing .
2 And it bounced and bounced and bounced and I thought it was going on for ages but it did n't .
3 Collimore Stone won it back brilliantly off Lewis but it came to nothing .
4 You 'd gain if you avoided putting that down as a score draw , especially of course if it did n't turn out to be a score draw .
5 It was a photograph of a portrait by Van Dyck — the portrait of a boy about fifteen — a young Prince Ruprecht von der Pfaltz of Bavaria and he was so like Lionel that it brought one 's heart into one 's mouth .
6 ‘ And yet , despite the Medicines Act and its regulations , CSM did little better with practolol once it had been marketed than was done without the legislation in the case of thalidomide ’ , we commented in 1980 .
7 He was an engineer and erm he he was he made co , he worked on conveyers and things and then he changed his occupation became a civil servant and he worked at the Admiralty down on Templefields until it closed about ten years , cos my husband has been retired about five years now .
8 Yggdrasil ran the Tunney and Bishopric Conscriptions routinely , on a subconscious level , and did n't tie them in to Princetown until it cross-referenced with skimmer flightpaths and power outage in the west of England .
9 But Yugoslavia maintained restrictions which prevent the Soviet navy from coming ashore in Yugoslavia as it had in Egypt .
10 How he heard of verre anglais is unclear , but it is not beyond belief that it stemmed from rumours that effervescing Champagne had become a popular drink in England .
11 It is not without significance that it had its source in a campaign which effectively combined Cobdenite principles of free trade with a ‘ bellicose philanthropy ’ worthy of the most self-righteous of Victorian imperialists .
12 Her question seemed to catch her more off guard than it did him , and she felt a warm blush rise to her cheeks .
13 Company 's such as Campeau , which plunged too deeply into debt when it bought Bloomingdale 's , will no longer be able to count on the US taxpayer to bail them out .
14 The Customs seal on the container was still in tact when it arrived at basket-ware importers Ronald Kaufmann 's in Norwich .
15 The $24,000,000 production was to be an unmitigated disaster and was to bring Twentieth Century-Fox close to bankruptcy when it found out that the heyday of the film musical was past .
16 While both Angevins would naturally have liked to get their own way in both regions it is likely that the Quercy meant more to Richard than it did to Henry .
17 Charlie was sensitive about having false teeth at thirty — why had n't all that wartime milk and orange juice set him up for life as it had his contemporaries ? — but he did n't mind Jack knowing .
18 On the most trivial of levels it could be claimed that Version 3.0 had caught up with Ventura because it supported stylesheets and graphics wraparound .
19 Money enough for Lionel to idle away his days , to be all the Season in London , to be up in Yorkshire when it pleased him …
20 Okay so got on that train , thinking it would go straight to Hertford and it did n't .
21 He wrote Lettuce and had put the show on in Cambridge before it had come to London .
22 Six years of war were over and most of us were barely out of school when it began , so what came next ?
23 She told Cleveland coroner Michael Sheffield he became depressed through being out of work and it made him irritable and upset .
24 Mrs Ross ’ s condition had deteriorated ; she had fallen out of bed and it seemed she might have suffered a further stroke .
25 The committee said it had no reason to doubt Mr Gummer was out of pocket and it accepted there was no intent on his part to conceal the work .
26 Laing admits that the Spanish company was bought out of desperation and it cost United Biscuits dearly .
27 Indeed , BA would almost certainly have pulled out of negotiations if it had thought a referral was likely .
28 I figure he thought his men would get out of control if it went on any longer .
29 Mr Ford 's plane ran out of fuel after it had taken a battering in Atlantic storms in May 1943 .
30 and then they informed me that it was out of stock so I wrote them rather a a polite letter saying that it took them a long to realize it was out of stock when it had been ordered in March and erm I thought their communi communicative system in their office was er non existent .
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