Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] with [pos pn] [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 We used to call them ‘ ebb-sleepers ’ because they were usually found resting on the rocks at high tide in small groups , each bird apparently asleep with its beak tucked under its scapulars .
2 He stood quite still now , watching her , and she did n't feel quite so bold with his eyes narrowed on her intently , suspicious but interested .
3 Though before she could speculate on that point , Lubor , entirely unaware that his employer had passed them , was turning to state , ‘ You are even more beautiful with your face washed with rain . ’
4 Let it be some dreamy boy of about seventeen with his hair cut in ‘ curtains ’ and some really nice gear , then she could show off to Sam and the others !
5 Traditionally these courses are for the more able , particularly those with their sights set on higher education .
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