Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] in [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Analysts interpreted the outcome as indicative of widespread disenchantment with the economic reform programme of the Mazowiecki government , launched in January and the most far-reaching in Eastern Europe to date [ see p. 37194 ] , which had precipitated a sharp rise in unemployment and a fall in living standards .
2 I visit without warning to find a happy and productive school — obviously due in great measure to the personality and competence of the headmistress .
3 He replaced a health minister who had been widely regarded as extremely successful in increasing access to health services through the introduction of Medicare .
4 In the first generation there will be some dozens of intelligent young mulattoes , much superior in average intelligence to the negroes .
5 Is not that in marked contrast to the events of 25 years ago this very day , as reported by The Times , when the then Economic Affairs Minister warned the Confederation of British Industry that if it breached the inflation-wage restraint , there would be a prices and incomes policy ?
6 If individuals in the society ( except for those at the very top and the very bottom of the social ladder ) are socially mobile in each direction to some extent , then the " continuum " can be seen as consisting of a collection of individuals whose linguistic competences in intermediate varieties ( or " lects " ) overlap to form an unbroken chain linking the archetypal Creole ( or " basilect " ) with the Standard ( or " acrolect " ) .
7 Trading standards officers have been the most directly involved in European legislation to date : other professions will need to follow their lead in developing close working relations with their European counterparts .
8 Expressed in developmental , rather than structural terms , one can describe the condition of the citizens of total welfare states as childlike , for not only are they likely to be regressed in developmental terms for the reasons already given , they are also childlike in relative terms to the state which has become a parent , and an omnipotent one at that .
9 Expressed in developmental , rather than structural terms , one can describe the condition of the citizens of total welfare states as childlike , for not only are they likely to be regressed in developmental terms for the reasons already given , they are also childlike in relative terms to the state which has become a parent , and an omnipotent one at that .
10 The long slow movement ( track 28 ) is particular seems to be the core of Reger , prophetic of early Schoenberg or Busoni and darkly introspective in sharp contrast to the Mozart theme , which is blown up at the end of the concluding fugue — almost literally , pious Mozartians may feel , in Wagnerian harmony .
11 And just to remind you what I was saying , if you 've just switched on , what I was just confirming with Colin er earlier , is that erm it 's slightly different in this competition to what we 've been accustomed to in the football league er this and last season , in as far as it 's not goals scored that 's important when you have the same number of points , it is goal difference .
12 Profits have increased nearly eight-fold in that period to £500,000 .
13 It is probably similar in many ways to diets you have seen or ready about before , but there are some very important differences .
14 Empire and Sexuality brings some of the insights and analysis which are now conventional in literary biography to the history of British imperialism .
15 In the classic experimental design a control group would be used which was as alike in all respects to the experimental group ( the latter being , in this example , the workers who experienced the new managerial style ) , save in this one respect ; only the experimental group is subjected to the independent variable .
16 I was n't alone in this vulnerability to him .
17 Their motives , at least as described by Froissart , indicate that the profit motive was increasingly important in attracting men to war , and that mundane , as well as idealistic , motives provided a double purpose for the achievement of skill in arms .
18 An appreciation of these difficulties is important when interpreting the results of studies which have examined factors potentially involved in genetic susceptibility to alcoholic liver disease .
19 Erm the existing er Euro MP has been quite active in supporting objections to the Greater Manchester northern relief .
20 But they will just as surely have died because they were too weak in political muscle to be able to fight back .
21 His early rapid promotion was certainly due in some measure to his friendship with King Edward VII .
22 Recognising that feminist film theory , criticism and film-making have developed very much in reciprocal relation to each other , I shall try to sketch the major areas of interest and controversy in the past twenty years in Britain and America .
23 Charles III 's reforms improved the quality of the imperial civil service while denying to the creoles a share in the system — perhaps because , as Floridablanca maintained , creoles were too enmeshed in local graft to be trusted .
24 Also Mississippi Valley Type ( MVT ) mineralisation which is very similar in many respects to Pennine-style .
25 The World Series amps are very similar in outward appearance to their Linebacker cousins .
26 Berkshire is very similar in this respect to Wiltshire : on an average about one acre in four enclosed by private act , but rising on the chalk downs to more than one in two .
27 In advocating the creation of the new offence , the Government made it plain that it did not wish to promote legislation too similar in this respect to the discredited ‘ sus ’ laws .
28 With any luck he would have disappeared by now , caught up in discussions with prospective clients , and by the time he found her she would be too involved in other matters to be cornered .
29 Field Chairs ( along with personal tutors ) are responsible for counselling all students in Stage II , and are systematically involved in comparable ways to those detailed above for senior tutors .
30 Dr Hugh Rushton , Research Director for the Philip Kingsley Trichology Clinic , believes that hormone replacement therapy ( HRT ) is very effective in restoring condition to hair because it maintains a better balance of hormones , particularly oestrogen .
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