Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] when she [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Erm and that 's , of course , why she 's so delighted when she finds that the Rivers are her relations .
2 She records that he was somewhat surprised when she announced that she had ‘ just asked for them ’ !
3 After going to evening classes to study dress design , Claire hoped for better things , but was soon disillusioned when she found that her employer expected to use her designs without paying her .
4 She consorted , these nights , with strangers — men who were temporarily vivid when she awoke but who faded as the day progressed until , after a few hours , they vanished entirely .
5 She points out that we know little of the differential impact of changing material circumstances on different kinds of tending , and is surely right when she argues that it would be ‘ useful and interesting to discover how long term unemployment alters conjugal roles as far as caring is concerned ’ .
6 Bertha is quite right when she says that somebody must minister to the rich . ’
7 She was beginning to feel quite mournful when she remembered that Meredith was a Catholic and would n't be allowed in the church .
8 She found herself peering into nooks and crannies , not that he could manage to conceal himself into one , with his breadth , and was almost disappointed when she realised that he had most probably gone out .
9 She was rather young when she married and had been brought up as a lady , so it was another world for her .
10 Jocelyn Harris is almost certainly right when she suggests that Leapor is , in fact , responding to John Locke who writes ‘ Of Adam 's Title to Sovereignty by the Subjection of Eve ’ :
11 So she was very cross when she found that there were no flowers to pick . ’
12 Henrietta came down to lunch , still shivering slightly , in a sweater and jeans , and refused to discuss her experience , telling Jacqueline not to be bloody silly when she asked if she 'd seen crocodiles .
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