Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] as it [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , the raising of the school leaving age in 1947 meant that the difference between types of secondary schooling was not so marked as it had been .
2 It was all much as it had been the first time , only evening instead of morning ; and Emily stood by herself as before , and now he knew why , wearing his ring on another finger .
3 Well , erm , I know the forecast is n't quite so brilliant as it has been , I think but
4 I saw Masha gliding through towards us : that unmistakable froth of brown hair , the exuberant , doll-like face ; and behind her , over-topping her , the bleak , dark face of Victor Surkov , his hair not grey as it had been when we last met some six years ago , but a brilliant yellow spreading down over his shoulders .
5 The losses at the Battle of Sagrajas had been great and not even the addition of El Cid 's men could make it anything like as strong as it had been before the coming of Yusuf .
6 With a force totalling some 7000 , he began to subdue much of eastern Castile , making it as strong as it had been before Sagrajas .
7 Lowell , vaguely aware that the light was n't as strong as it had been , stopped fighting sleep and dozed a little .
8 ‘ As a matter of fact , ’ said Owen , ‘ I think you may find that in future that party is not quite as strong as it has been . ’
9 Then he spoke , his voice not quite as calm as it had been previously , the accent humming roughly in the depths of the tones .
10 I do not doubt that over the next 20 years the Community 's evolution will be as marked as it has been in the nearly 20 years since we joined .
11 Although the number of recorded offences in that decade was not as high as it had been in the 1950s it is nevertheless an important trend .
12 ‘ All groups have said we will review it in September and there is a general feeling that the charge should not have been set as high as it has been . ’
13 For instance , Yadin Dudai in Jerusalem , amongst others , has exploited the behavioural and biochemical possibilities opened up by mutations amongst fruit flies ; for him and some other neurobiologists Drosophila has become as popular as it has been for most of this century for geneticists .
14 Improvement ensued under Tub LM1 ( again taken from a 5ml dropper bottle ) although the patient commented that the wheeziness was n't as clear as it had been on the first Phosphorus .
15 Nor could the academic organization of the schools remain as rudimentary as it had been : communication and management would not just ‘ happen ’ in schools of a thousand pupils or more , and the stream of curriculum innovation needed to be carefully channelled — especially in a system where each school enjoyed considerable freedom in choosing patterns of study and teaching methods .
16 But at least a dream of empire was not as impossible as it had been in 1558 .
17 The announcement came as no great surprise ; except in as much as it had been thought the family might hold back in the lifetime of Sir John .
18 It 's still as pure as it has been for thousands of years . ’
19 What made it worse was that his face remained so still , as expressionless as it had been earlier when discussing trivia with the Doctor .
20 A combination of administrative and economic factors favoured the revival of organized stealing during the final decade of British rule , but given the growth of population and the more efficient reporting system the extent of the crime was not as great as it had been before 1890 .
21 The torrent here was almost as fearsome as it had been at the original crossing point , but not so deep .
22 I enjoyed the gnocchi in a friendly watering hole along the road , however , and the Elban wine was just as good as it had been 30 years ago .
23 But the surgery on Monday morning was not as busy as it had been of late .
24 Rose Brady 's attention had been as unexpected as it had been sudden and welcome .
25 Dynasticism was not dead ; for some rulers , promoting family interests was as important as it had been to a Tudor or a Valois .
26 It was easy to sink into a sort of limbo , where nothing seemed any longer to be as important as it had been .
27 The selection of documents to be saved for posterity is as essential as it has been for the last 30 years ; it is not so much that computers can not store everything ( storage capacities are continuing to develop exponentially ) , as the consideration that to conserve everything makes the past unmanageable and impenetrable .
28 If our climate continues to be as mild as it has been for the last couple of winters we may yet challenge our French and German competitors ! ’
29 This large parish now had two Anglican churches but Nonconformity was as pronounced as it had been in the seventeenth century .
30 Yes , the going will be slow tonight but erm not as slow as it has been in the past erm so it should be good .
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