Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] of [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Churchill was not properly representative of influential opinion in Britain on the subject of close Anglo-American relations .
2 Young Guard , one of the most popular of this type of journal , had a circulation of only 9,000 in 1922 , and dropped to between 5,000 and 6,000 an issue by 1926 .
3 The intensified aerial bombardment and resulting civilian casualties came in for strong criticism , with all the opposition groups in parliament ( hitherto supportive of military action against the LTTE ) subscribing to a statement which described it as an inhuman action against the people .
4 In September 1944 a third White Paper , Social Insurance , accepted most of the proposals of the Beveridge report , especially that of comprehensive coverage for all persons and types of risk , and formed the basis of Labour 's Insurance Act of 1946 .
5 On Sept. 5 Belize also guaranteed Guatemala ( i ) permanent access to the Caribbean from the adjacent Guatemalan department of Petén ; ( ii ) the use of port facilities , especially that of Big Creek for the export of bananas ; and ( iii ) the right to participate in joint ventures such as oil exploration in Belize 's maritime exclusive economic zone .
6 The expanse of beach was so denuded of any trace of the present century we might have stepped out on to a distant planet .
7 Only some of this range of procedures could be used in this feasibility study with a brief centred on the Cockcroft foundation list .
8 The wind is clearly very tenuous , but though it can not sweep dust before it , it can sweep outwards some of any gas in its path .
9 ‘ I was so fond of that view from the second-floor bedrooms overlooking the lawn with the downs visible in the distance .
10 It can be explained by the fact that so much of Western life in the later part of the twentieth century is geared to groups and families , partnerships and couples .
11 This point is academic — first , because so much of this type of absenteeism goes unnoticed or unrecorded ( it was described as ‘ hidden ’ truancy by the Pack Report ) , and second , because , realistically , the use of legal procedures would probably not be contemplated by any LEA until the problem had worsened and discussion with parents had failed to resolve it .
12 In common with so much of this history of respectable fears , we find ourselves once more in the realm of feeling rather than fact , for although Baden-Powell never tired of claiming that Scouting could reach the Hooligans , on the available evidence it would seem that the movement 's major recruiting base was among middle-class and lower middle-class youths , rather than among slum youth .
13 But in spite of returning to old forms , composers wished their music to have that feeling of nervous stress and tension which is so typical of modern art in general .
14 It is highly evocative of that time in everyone 's life when a mortgage meant nothing , music was all and your friends could be as mental as barking hens .
15 But in fact Holt C.J. 's decision related to the escape of filth and his formulation of principle was limited to that and to cattle-trespass ; it was not nearly so sweeping as the rule expressed in Rylands v. Fletcher , which was reached by methods extremely characteristic of judicial development of the law — the creation of new law behind a screen of analogies drawn from existing law .
16 And there are some old dishes entirely characteristic of this stretch of the Rhone itself and which have hardly spread farther than the villages and towns on the river banks .
17 Stress-timed rhythm is thus perhaps characteristic of one style of speaking , not of English speech as a whole ; one always speaks with some degree of rhythmicality , but the degree will vary between a minimum value ( arhythmical ) and a maximum ( completely stress-timed rhythm ) .
18 It had been one thing to be suddenly full of Dutch courage at the thought that Freddie Nash , having seen Eleanor again , had decided to seek her out .
19 Conversely , the British unions conceived their role within the factory as being basically one of continuing representation of workforce interests on narrow bargaining issues , pressing for objectives which were consciously and explicitly desired by the workers themselves .
20 Support for the reform programme came from a loose coalition of liberal and independent deputies which , in the past , had been highly critical of British policy towards Hong Kong .
21 Austrians are highly critical of neo-classical theory for its static treatment of markets and its assumption of perfect information ; these assume away the very factors that explain how markets work and why market coordination is more efficient than the alternative of regulation and planning .
22 Others are highly critical of this type of reasoning , which is often cited as the main justification for examining in the arts , but which the critics argue confers only a ‘ spurious legitimacy ’ at the expense of much that is valuable in the arts .
23 Taylor , Walton and Young ( 1973 ) were highly critical of this example of behaviourist imperialism and claimed that the exclusion of all reference to subjective mental events which the take-over bid necessarily entailed was entirely alien to the whole spirit of differential association .
24 ‘ You 're so proud of this brain of yours .
25 Historically the relationship between Latin America and Europe is not only one of cultural domination of the former by the latter , but of political and economic domination .
26 The findings were highly suggestive of recent pancreatitis with pseudocyst formation .
27 This was surprising : in our experience , patients with a history of mediastinal irradiation are at risk for developing a squamous cell carcinoma of the oesophagus and the clinical picture was highly suggestive of this type of malignancy .
28 Indeed , we fully recognize that the model about to be discussed is only suggestive of one avenue of development and is not conclusive .
29 While this may provide some justification for ensuring that the decision-maker indicates what was the factual basis for his action , we should be extremely wary of developing review of facts upon the premise that all such material could or should be considered .
30 Hymns are the most accessible of all music for a congregation and they are the main musical ingredient in the worship of most churches .
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