Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [ex0] [is] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Where social attitudes and social behaviour are thus unmatched there is bound to be confusion and ambiguity in the popular mind and in personal reaction to the individual situation .
2 Braithwaite ( 1979b : 130 ) believes that , ‘ government lawyers , who must in many ways be all-rounders , can not compete with the corporation lawyer who spends his whole life finding out all there is to know about a narrowly delimited area of ‘ legal loop-holes ’ ' .
3 And if you 're really interested in finding out all there is to know about us there 's a book on the hall table that records our historic events and heroes , including Francis Ledwidge , our local poet … ’
4 If you 've known Charles and Lucy for years , then you 'll know pretty well all there is to know about my background … ’
5 Erm it 's quite clear there 's going to be no more new money for patient care and without that I do n't think we 're going to get the increase in quality of service but that we actually need .
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