Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun sg] i [vb base] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She spent a week enjoying the beauty of Scotland and the beginning of the Edinburgh Festival , whilst I gained the opportunity to draw the most professional model I suspect it will ever by my privilege tow work with .
2 She spent a week enjoying the beauty of Scotland and the beginning of the Edinburgh Festival , whilst I gained the opportunity to draw the most professional model I suspect it will ever by my privilege tow work with .
3 It 's so damn cold I think my bollocks are going to fall off . ’
4 I tell him it 's another shooter , and he gives so little reaction I think he believes it .
5 So this man I think he came from Rosevale .
6 They 're making so much noise I think we could be in danger of being moved on for creating a public disturbance . ’
7 ‘ Since you 've gone to so much trouble I suppose I 'd better change into something more in keeping with your splendour . ’
8 Just one side I tell you what , let's take you , do n't do that , or you 'll break it off , let's take you and you can have a look at this one .
9 like legal funding I think it was .
10 Indeed , this very struggle that I find so fascinating in the writing of Paradise Lost , you know , a rather intimate way I feel I can see it in eleven words that come just a little earlier in the fourth book , in which he tells us ‘ Seeing the apples growing on the trees , that they are hisperian fables true , if true here only and of delicious taste ’ .
11 You woke me up this morning I tell you Sid .
12 To be perfectly honest Don I think you , you should retain the television , but you should restrict too with the regard to your use of it
13 Now one commentator I believe it was the the foreman mason involved in the building of Skerrymor described the landing on the rock as being like climbing up the side of a bottle .
14 Late that night I ask myself the age-old question .
15 We have a basket where we keep all her toys and chewy things and she empties that out and brings everything from where that is and puts them all on this rug and consequently this rug I think she she has adopted as hers .
16 And then another week I give you two
17 Cricket is the only even vaguely athletic endeavour I involve myself in , unless you count walking the dog or grovelling to my bank manager , so if I am forced to give up the game by the purchase of these new sightscreens , my fitness will suffer .
18 Enya , who is at No. 11 with the haunting Book Of Days , reveals : ‘ I had hair down to my waist until I was 18 , then one day I cut it all off .
19 Mind you the firm that was in there Blue Bag I mean they abused the bloody place they did .
20 Maybe next time I bring her some oranges from the best side of the orchard — very sweet , and will do her lot of good .
21 Life here goes on rather quietly , as you might expect , but we have enjoyed the most marvellous Autumn I think I have ever known .
22 Actress Kate Robbins , the principal female impressionist for Spitting Image , who for Pallas 2 supplies the voices of the Queen , the Duchess of York and Princess Anne , says : ‘ Although it 's a pretty naughty affair I think it is being thought of as fun by comparison with what has really happened .
23 well they must of had a profe really good whistling must n't they but why they brought her on last night I think she was hopeless
24 at a very low level I think it 's a very potentially demoralising thing
25 Yes thank you Chairman erm I think important question very similar question I think we 're we 're all wondering whether the changed landscape of West Sussex , the changed use of West Sussex has had any influence on the flooding and as the County Council has pointed out worst amount of rain we 've had for about seventy years or so I think it 's very useful and important er to ask questions an and when this crisis is over we reflect on what we can learn from it , but I must bear in mind that it is first and foremost extraordinary climatic conditions which have caused these problems and that in itself of course might have implications erm the whole of global warming does tend to come to mind when you see what 's happening in Australia as well as what 's happening here erm that 's certainly not anything that agencies great or small can have any control over .
26 Actually Milky Bar I think I 'd prefer that tonight .
27 Now that is a very awkward word I mean it 's nothing like that it should be A T E should n't it .
28 Since he really was a very competent chemist I expect it did .
29 I think it 's a very wonderful thing I mean I regard him as a warmonger World War Two by his eighteen month should have been
30 ‘ There 's a very special person I want you to meet at the concert tomorrow .
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