Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever happens , he concluded , ‘ we are surely about to witness the most momentous struggle for a country 's conscience that modern Africa has ever known . ’
2 Walters ' most memorable moment in a Liverpool shirt came when he scored the winner in the 3-0 UEFA Cup win against Auxerre last season , reversing a similar deficit as they face tonight .
3 Walters ' most memorable moment in a Liverpool shirt came when he scored the winner in the 3-0 UEFA Cup win against Auxerre last season , reversing a similar deficit as they face tonight .
4 Walters ' most memorable moment in a Liverpool shirt was when he score the winner in the 3-0 UEFA Cup win against Auxerre last season , reversing a similar deficit as they face tonight .
5 The most usual way for a musician to do business in Jamaica was through a producer , who would pay the musician a nominal sum for his work and then make his own deals with record companies : a system which traditionally guaranteed disproportionately generous returns for the producer , and next to nothing for the musician .
6 The most usual reason for a tap to be dripping from the spout is a worn tap washer .
7 Benefits of this system include an improvement in urban fuel economy of between 8 and 14 per cent , remarkably stable idling with a reduction from 900 rpm to 825 rpm and a consequent gain in comfort and also a reduction in pollution brought about by the lower fuel consumption .
8 And this Margaret Lacey was the most brazen strap of a child she had ever come across .
9 Well , I was erm trying to point out that the most stable element in a sense in a very changing system is pupil numbers , because you always know , pretty well exactly , how many pupils you are going to have at any given time .
10 It might therefore seem a rather odd choice as a label , but Wimsatt and Brooks 's reason for using it is that they view these analogical or metaphorical relationships as producing effects essentially similar to those for which the word irony is more commonly used , and which they also see as an important part of poetry .
11 I would of thought so Mr yes , yes , erm , alright well Mr Mr erm this is a rather odd exercise in a way and as you know my first thoughts were they were better to leave it to see what , how the , how the judgment came out of it , but erm , erm , I do regard the matter as er , as a , as a whole as of very considerable importance both to both sides of this case and erm , it did seem to me on considering it , er , from recovering from the dentist that er , an , an outline of erm
12 He sat quite still , looking like a rather odd god in a shrine or a waxwork in a box .
13 Lord Curzon later called this the most complete surrender of a country 's resources to foreign interest that could ever be imagined , Protest within Persian was such that the Shah was compelled to avoid the concession .
14 ‘ Belfast is a remarkably intact example of a city which underwent an industrial revolution , ’ explained Helen .
15 The most striking example of a state using a federation to augment and consolidate its power is perhaps the position of Prussia within the Zollverein ( Customs Union ) , the North German Federation and finally the German Empire .
16 Thus the regional assistance provided by the EC could be viewed as a rather weak attack upon a problem which the EC had itself exacerbated .
17 As the deep black shadow in Glen Keltney closed over them , they moved slowly nearer home in a trance of fatigue .
18 Ted 's career ended abruptly with a badly broken leg in a Football Combination match and he joined his home town club , Bradford Park Avenue , as assistant trainer in 1954 .
19 But he knew his chief 's dislike of unnecessary chat , and strapped as they were side by side in uncomfortably close proximity in the Enstrom F28 , he decided that the Chevisham case would get off to the most propitious start by a policy of disciplined silence .
20 Children 's paintings hung on the gate of a timber yard , the most restrained moment of a day long protest against the tropical timber trade .
21 This was shown in its most brutal form in a report published following riots in an Australian prison .
22 I 'll never even dare to be successful , because when I 'm dead some clod with a thesis to write will put me down as a wild-eyed harridan who jumped on her lover in the street and pulled all his hair out because he 'd gone off with a person with webbed feet .
23 It should be noted that the attitudinist theory of ethics operates at a rather different level from a theory such as utilitarianism .
24 She played little further part as a combatant , stalling later British requests for reinforcements and providing minimal naval assistance in the Mediterranean .
25 ‘ It is a single , rather flippant sentence in a book of 100,000 words — nothing more than a throwaway line . ’
26 But Tilda had taught herself to produce , by widening her mouth into the shape of an oblong , a most unpleasant imitation of a bosun 's whistle , which could be heard almost as far as Lord Jim .
27 Right This interpretation of a wireline log of a borehole in Indonesia was made by means of GS computer software funded by ODA .
28 Above right This detail from a Landsat TM image shows an area in the Arabian Shield , in the South-eastern Desert of Egypt .
29 Léonie only half-belonged in it , growing up in England with a dead English hero for a father and a mother disguised as an English missis with English ways .
30 The Kate Greenaway Medal is awarded for the most distinguished illustration in a book for children .
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