Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [vb mod] not [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 If banks or outside rescuers are to be involved then they will want to know the long term prospects and objectives so these can not be ignored .
2 Women below 50 will not be invited routinely .
3 Women below 50 will not be invited routinely .
4 The principle to be derived from them , in my opinion , is that payments not lawfully due can not be recovered unless they were made as a result of some improper form of pressure .
5 Normally this should not be applied to 5 Star Maxplan and 4 Star policies , as this cover is not available for holiday homes .
6 Normally this should not be applied to 5 Star Maxplan or 4 Star policies , as this cover should not be provided where a business is run from the same building and the public have access .
7 Studies in which essential information is not available should not be included in league tables .
8 It may be the ones that are environmentally sensitive will be taken up and other sites which are less environmentally sensitive will not be taken up , and er so we are anxious that we do not over-provide because we are anxious to save many attractive sites around Harrogate from development .
9 Whether , however , their precise significance in the late fifteenth century is as described in the Kanunname — that is , whether at this early stage of the development of the medrese system they were already confined to two classes of 50-akce medreses — is perhaps more open to question , though the very real possibility that the geographical sense and the designation of rank were once conterminous should not be overlooked in this connection .
10 In 1894 Gertrude Tuckwell ( Secretary and later President of the Women 's Trade Union League ) advocated ‘ the gradual extension of labour protection to the point where mothers will be prohibited from working until their children have reached an age at which they can care for themselves ’ , and the Women 's Labour League agreed that mothers with children under five should not be employed .
11 The developer may , for example , be very happy to improve a road junction as an essential prerequisite to his proposed development , but often this can not be assured by a condition .
12 Often this can not be avoided where odours emanate from existing premises and uses , but where new development is concerned planning authorities are in the unique position of being able to prevent odour pollution .
13 The 63,500 places now available should not be allowed to reduce to 54,000 over the next five years , as would be the case if the 15 per cent .
14 An example engagement letter is set out in 1101.10 — please note that this is a live example and as such is the result of a series of negotiations — ie this should not be assumed to be our starting position .
15 The proprietors could not do much more than launch a rather fragile settlement around Charleston , and even this could not be occupied continuously until 1681 .
16 Surely this can not be justified as an effective use of civil servants ' time or public money . ’
17 There may be central computers but even these may not be required if each salesman ( or a group ) hall a micro-computer and printer at home .
18 From time to time various other forms of undercutting have been attributed to wind but the possible effects of other agencies , such as wetting and drying near the surface and salt weathering must not be forgotten , though they are doubtful as explanations of abraded wooden telegraph poles and even these can not be attributed to gnawing by desert rats .
19 Surely these can not be said to have objects or contents in the given sense .
20 Unfortunately this can not be done in the UK House of Commons , and the cameraman has to identify the Member who has been called , often in the midst of a throng of Members competing for the Speaker 's eye , and then to add the computerized caption .
21 Common sense tells us that this requires some form of trading activity , and although this will cover such things as the purchase of raw materials , capital equipment , etc. , it should be noted that if such actions were merely preparatory to the later formation of a company then these can not be considered as the actions of a partnership ‘ carrying on a business ’ .
22 Theoretically there is no reason why MAS should not be paid bonuses according to our degree of success at negotiating a deal below a price agreed in advance with our client .
23 Now that is the accepted way of doing it , and I can not see any reason why that can not be done , erm in Greater York , once the location for the new settlement is erm er is identified , erm so that 's my definition of erm integrated and balanced community , it 's a concept , you ca n't define , I do n't think , integrated and balanced separately , you need to bind them together er into into some erm er or all er erm concept , erm now the erm the question you did pose me , sir , which er I did take a note of , but I wonder if you 'd be kind enough to repeat it so I 've I 've a I 've a got it quite clear before I respond .
24 Ultimately MAS should not be associated with an Information memorandum which is not produced in a professional manner .
25 However this problem will usually arise at that time when this can not be done .
26 However this can not be used as a guide to future performance as investments can go down as well as up .
27 There seems no reason why this can not be done , as long as the key relationship between movements is good and logical .
28 In recent years , it has become common for local political party caucuses to threaten to withdraw endorsement as candidates from Members who voice views unacceptable to them and there seems to be no reason in principle why this should not be treated by the House as a contempt the essence of which , in this respect , is to deny to a Member the freedom to exercise his power as a Member in the manner dictated by his own personal judgment .
29 This , he said , would clear the way for an interim repayment to the depositors , and although there were some small administration problems , he saw no reason why this should not be done in the ‘ near future ’ .
30 We engaged a solicitor to look into the matter and he became convinced that there was I wo n't say a loophole , that there was a reason why this should not be done and er requested the Committee of Management to Court for advice .
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