Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [modal v] be [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 It was a sort of burnt orange colour with a large hole cut at the back so that the lean old arse Nigel hated so much could be shown to its full advantage .
2 Not all can be traced to the Black Death , but it must have been a significant factor .
3 Nine people died from infectious diseases in the district last year , said Miss Pattinson , although not all could be attributed to food poisoning .
4 The 216,000 places already available should be enlarged to 560,000 in 1980/1 , which would in turn require 390,000 by 1973/4 .
5 Because there is no record 0 , the nearest that can be obtained to a continuous set of numbers will be : Thus addresses : are missing .
6 From 1 April they will be able to set up contracts for community health services such as district nursing and chiropody , and possibly this might be extended to social aspects of community care .
7 Two further 767s will be assigned to the US run and named ‘ James Dean ’ and ‘ Janis Joplin ’ to make US customers feel at home .
8 All children under 14 will be presumed to be competent wit nesses .
9 Guilty secrets begin to pile up that may be disclosed to no one else at all , not even friends or family .
10 Initially , ninety meetings in ninety days are recommended but later this may be reduced to a regular two meetings a week or however many the individual recovering person finds to be necessary to maintain a contented mood and a sense of peace of mind .
11 The variety at first seems bewildering , but leaving aside primitive creatures like jellyfish and corals which we have already discussed , and the much more advanced backboned fish , nearly all can be allocated to one of three main types : shelled animals , like clams , cowries and sea snails ; radially symmetrical creatures like starfish and sea urchins ; and elongated animals with segmented bodies varying from wriggling bristle worms to shrimps and lobsters .
12 The underlying quarrel in marriage is frequently about how often each can be allowed to be the baby .
13 Junctions whose sugar puckers can be classified as XS can be transformed to the B II state with less structural perturbation and , in particular , little effect on the facing strand , but this does not imply that the energetics of the transition is easier in these cases .
14 If prosecutors , magistrates , judges and jurors were to proceed on an entirely sceptical footing , many fewer search and arrest warrants would be issued , fewer people would be prosecuted , even fewer would be committed to trial , and , of those tried , many more than at present would be acquitted .
15 At the other end of the spectrum , some countries have hardly any professional archaeologists , and even these may be confined to looking after museum collections .
16 We have seen how the vibration frequencies may be observed and how each may be allocated to a particular symmetry species .
17 It 's not a case of being paranoid , it 's a case of seeking fairness for all the school children , and then some of them receiving disproportional , you know higher , er amounts of money , then that must be seen to be unfair , and I 'm certainly well supported in that .
18 The production of and resistance to the antibiotic is coded for on plasmid pAg K84 , but unfortunately this can be transferred to the pathogen in the presence of another opine ( nopaline ) , which is contained in crown gall tissue .
19 Appeals against his conclusions would be heard by an independent tribunal , which would be able to impose penalties of up to 10% of turnover ( although initially this would be limited to £1m ) .
20 An example of how this might be applied to an inventory record would be to control the format of named collections , e.g. ‘ Sloane Bequest , Miscellanea ’ .
21 Knowing these devices for narrowing down contextual possibilities does not imply that one can judge how best to act upon such knowledge , how much can be left to be inferred from context , how much needs to be made grammatically explicit .
22 How much will be devoted to other demands — home , family , paid employment perhaps ?
23 If further SSRs are written referencing the product once the issue is complete , then these should be distributed to all clients who have received the product .
24 Bourdillon also addressed a question which has remained unaddressed ever since — that is , of the annual output of 24,000 titles ( 19,000 adult non-fiction ) in the British national bibliography ( BNB ) at that time , how many should be added to public library stocks ?
25 Not every member of the Anglo-Norman-speaking community would have been an aristocrat , but virtually all would be linked to and dependent upon the aristocracy .
26 I see no reason why that should be denied to those hospitals serving the mentally ill or people with a mental handicap .
27 Again this can be turned to the researcher 's advantage .
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